The force of my laugh hurts because of my ribs. I can't cry then. It'll make it worse.

Zoe gets everything.

With that thought, I feel a surge of anger and throw down the flower vase next to me. It shatters into a million pieces, the glass reflecting into colors from the sunlight.

I slide off my bed and stomp towards the bathroom, pushing the pain in my ribs down.

I sweep my arms across the counter and smirk when everything was in the floor.

But it's still not enough.

I march towards my bed, ripping the sheets off violently.

Papers that where supposed to be my homework fly everywhere.

Then I see the glass shards.

Guilt flows through me as I stare at the clear, shimmering shards.

Someone knocks on the for, sending my heart pounding.

I rush to the glass and desperately start scooping the shards into my hand. (A/n: NEVER EVER DO THIS!!!! IT'S REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD!)

Rushing to the trash bin in the bathroom, I empty some of the shards inside and run back to get the rest.

"Connor?" My sister's voice calls from the other side.

"Coming!" I yell, rushing over the dump the rest of the glass shards into the bin.

My eyes scan the bathroom for every knocked-down thing as my arms reach and flip them back.

I sprint out when I'm done, rushing towards my bed.

"Connor!" Zoe shouts impatiently.

"I'm pooping!" I lie, making an excuse for taking so long.

I scan the floor for anything else.


My eyes catch on the dark red stains on the cloud gray floor. How'd it even get there?

I then succumbed to the pain. My hands  and arm stung. I looked to see they were both bleeding. My hands were scratched with cuts. My arm had been unattached to the IV (the packet thing that connects to a the that goes into your arm). The arm want bleeding much; only a small, thin line of blood.


I raced to the sink and washed it off. Then I unlocked the door and climbed into the bed, hiding my hands.

Zoe cautiously peeks in. "Can I come in?"

My first instinct was to say no, but I pushed that thought down for Evan. "Sure," I heard myself say.

Zoe approached the bed. "So, I got you some food 'cause hospital food sucks, so I've heard." She sets the bowl on the stand next to me.

I murmur a thanks.

Zoe scrunches up her nose. "It smells like metal or something," she commented.

I nod. "Yeah."

She looks at me and frowns. "Why aren't you eating?"

She had no idea how hard it was for me to not grab that bowl and scarf the food down. I was starving!

I shrugged.

I guess Zoe got mad, since she started grabbing my hands and pulling them out of the blankets.

"Wait! Zoe!" I exclaim. What about my hands?!

From the look of horror on her face, I assume it's too late.

"Did you murder someone?!" She screams.

"It's not what you think!"

"You've literally been caught red-handed!"

I wince. That part was true. My mind races through random thoughts to find  some sort of excuse.

"I'm on my period," I blurt.

F*ck, I don't have periods. Great thinking, oh brain of mine.

Zoe bursts out laughing. "Connor," she says between wheezes, "you don't even have them!"

I groan. "Okay, fine, fine, but I didn't murder anyone!"

"Hmm, I don't know about that..."

I roll my eyes. "Shut up."

"Hey, where'd the vase go?"

Crap. "Nowhere," I say a little too quickly.

"You threw it away?" Zoe asks, obviously disappointed.

If only you know how true that sentence was.

Zoe gasps. "What?! Why?! Why'd you throw it?!" She screeches.

I said that out loud? I hope not...

"How'd you know?!" I reply, shocked.

Then I see the pieces getting put together in her mind.

"Omg!" she clamps a hand to her mouth to prevent her from laughing. "Did you?! You seriously threw the vase and used your hands to pick the pieces up and got cut?!"

I hung my head in embarrassment.

She starts laughing so hard that tears come out of her eyes.

"It's not that funny," I grumble.

It takes a few more seconds for Zoe to calm down.

"Okay, so let's get you... Cleaned up," she suggests.

"Yeah," I agree.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

A/n: thank you guys for your votes, comments, and reads!!! Like.... Gjdxufgzuzffzyi HOW DID I GETT 100 MORE READS IN 2 DAYS?!!!!!

also I feel like I'm updating too often.... because... Chapter 13 was published about 8 days ago... And... Its already chapter 16...  Is that bad?? Idk.

Step Into the Sun ||Treebros||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora