"Won't tell me what?" I turn to see Emily walking in with a big smile on her face... god she looks so breathtakingly beautiful. She comes over to me and leans down to peck my lips. She sighs happily looking around at everyone, "so.."
"So what?" Barry chuckles nervously. She rolls her eyes "so what is it that you guys are not going to tell me?"
"Uh-uh." Barry is struggling to find his words.
"That um I'm surprising you with dinner! Dang there I said it!" Caitlyn exclaims loudly.

That was a horrible save but hopefully Emily bought it but from the looks of it... she doesn't. "why are you surprising me with dinner?" She questions. Caitlyn looks at me pleadingly I chuckle grabbing Emily's hand "to congratulate us on our engagement!" I say nodding towards the team. "Yup! Exactly, we haven't gotten a chance to properly congratulate you guys because of this whole man in yellow... but Em I'll drive you to my house once I get off?" Caitlyn says nervously. I look at Emily's face and she actually looks somewhat convinced and agrees happily.

Emily's POV
Caitlyn and I are at Jitters we went there so she could talk to someone about FIRESTORM. I on the other hand just sat at a different table waiting for her to be done. Finally she wrapped up the conversation and we headed out towards her car. "Ready for dinner?" She asks. I nod my head smiling "yes I'm starving." As we reached the car I sensed something actually someone behind us. I grabbed Caitlyn's arm before I could make a run for it a frozen sheet of ice covered her car door. We jump turning around as I come face to face with Lenny and... Mick?!

"Car trouble?" Snart asks. Before I could say anything he turns to me "well I was planning on taking Miss Snow over here but you would do even better." Before I could protest Snart grabs my arm yanking me away from a worried Caitlyn "EMILY" she yells. I have no time to process anything as Mick puts something over my head, "what the hell LENNY?!" I yell. He eases his grip on my arm "calm down Snowflake... you know I will never hurt you." Even though I was being taken against my will his words somewhat comforted me. I sigh and gave up on fighting knowing all too well that Barry and even Harrison himself would come for me.

Caitlyn's POV
After they took Emily I immediately pulled out my phone dialing Barry. "BARRY!" I cry into the phone. I hear Harrison and Cisco in the background as Barry puts the phone on speaker. I try to maintain proper breathing levels but the stress is too much to bare causing me to be winded. "Caitlyn what happened?" I steady my breathing as best as I can "they took her! Emily's gone!" I shriek into the phone. "WHO TOOK HER?!" Harrison yells over the phone... "Snart! He said he was going to take me but when he saw Emily he took her instead." There's a lot of muffling but soon Barry's at my side. I explain everything that happened. I really hope Em is alright... but to be completely honest Snart didn't look like he was going to hurt her at all. He just needed someone to lure the Flash out...

Harrison's POV
I had to sit by and watch the news of my fiancé in the arms of a man that she once called a beloved friend as he man handled her "Show the whole world who you're really are.." he looks at Emily "or this woman dies." He roughly pulls on her "NO! Don't come for me!" With that the video feed shuts off. I slam my fist down burying my head in my hands sighing loudly. "Don't worry Dr. Wells we will get her back" Cisco says reassuringly. I know that he means well but I really wanted to punch him in the face.

Emily's POV
I'm currently being tied to a chair by Mick...great. He's going on and on about fire I'm not really listening just gazing off into the distance. Lenny walks in not looking towards my way at all, "Hey! Lenny!" He turns to me looking me in the eyes "why?" Is all I manage to say. His eyes scan my face and he slowly takes in my appearance. His eyes stop right where back is. In two long strides he is next to me staring at my hand..."your engaged?" He breathes. His voice isn't stone cold or angry but it almost as he sounds...sad?

"Yes." I whisper suddenly feeling ashamed that I didn't share the news with him. His soft demeanor is replaced with his stone cold self once again, "I'm guessing it's the Doctor you are oh so fond of..." he looks at his watch and looks back at me "tik tok he should be making his grand plan with flash to save you." He is about to walk away when I call out to him "Lenny, wait!" He turns around looking at me, "what?"
"Why?" Is all I can ask again.
"I don't agree with your new lifestyle, snowflake. Especially who you are going to marry and the buddy known as the Flash.." I look at him like he's crazy shaking my head "friends respects each other's decisions even if they don't agree with them! It's called loyalty.. something you clearly forgot!" He looks stunned at my words but recovers quickly "it wasn't me who forgot.. it was you ." He turns around and this time I let him leave.

Mick clicks on something that sounds like...a bomb?! He comes up to my ear "you better pray that the next people that walk through these doors... are us." He then wraps a cloth around my mouth preventing me to speak or scream. I watch in horror as he leaves laughing. I look down at the bomb at my feet praying that I would get out of her safely. Why would Snart do this to me? After all we've been through...

After what seems like a few hours I hear people coming towards the warehouse. My stomach is doing flops... it's either Snart and Mick or someone coming to rescue me. I waited patiently to see who was coming... I would have to warn them about the bomb. I hear Cisco and Joe approaching me.. "Emily!" Cisco yells "I'm going to get you out of there.!" I'm screaming into the cloth shaking my head at the trip wire but Cisco ignores me completely. "CISCO DOWN!" Joe yells as Cisco triggers the bomb. Joe runs to my chair pushing us forward as there is a really really small explosion. Huh I was expecting bigger... maybe Snart really didn't want to hurt me.

I had Joe drop me off at my house. Harrison was still at the Labs so I had time to myself, showering and going over the day... I really lost Lenny this time. I should stop worrying about the past so much and having it consume me and just focus on my future with Harrison. Speaking of Harrison I hear the front door open, I run downstairs hoping to jump into his secure arms after a long day of being kidnapped. I'm making my way down the stairs excitedly "Harri-" I am cut off by the sight of an old friend staring at me with those big blue eyes and devilish smirk... "hey Snowflake!"

"Lisa Snart..." I breathe.

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