Chapter 23 - Diavoluli

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The sun is setting in Romania, the orange light peeks through the trees and into the the windows. The orange light seemed to somehow illuminate the house in a haunting glow despite the strange placement of most of the windows.

"There!" Shiemi beamed.

The base of operations is completely set up. Sleeping bags are set up in rows in one section of the room. In the other are the anti-ghost and anti-vampire equipment. Every doorway and window has a line of salt and large ring surrounds the sleeping bags. In the corner Yukio appeared to be trying to call someone.

"If something goes bump in the night I guess we are prepared. But if you ladies are still scared you can always jump in my arms." Shima suggested with a flirty undertone.

Kamiki rolls her eyes. "As if." She scoffs. Shiemi just laughs.

Rin hums a little. He appears to be using a small portal gas stove on a table in the next room. Allen is chopping up vegetables next to him with Timcanpy sitting on his head. The Golem had come out of hiding since they weren't in the town. Mia, Tyki and Aka were at the end of the table. They appeared to be completely absorbed into the map they were looking at. Muttering to each other and writing notes. Konekomaru and Bon walked in on the pair.

"Is that a gas stove?" Bon asked.

"Yep! I saw this the store and ask Sensei Mia to get it. I'm making Soup for everyone." Rin explain.

"Why don't you use the kitchen? Its probably safer to use it there." Konekomaru suggested. Despite the fact Allen and Rin appeared to clean the dusty dinning table the room didn't seem adequate for cooking.

"Well..." Allen and Rin trailed off with an embarrassed look on their faces. "... We can't find it."

Bon frowned. "What do you mean you can't find it?" He growled.

"Its just that! We can't find it. There are seven different dinning rooms but no kitchen!" Rin exclaimed.

"Impossible." Bon said bluntly.

"We are not lying!" Rin huffed. He suddenly pointed to Konekomaru. "You! Watch the soup. Keep stirring and don't let any food stick to the bottom." He ordered.

Konekomaru flinched and nods. Rin then puffs up his chest and opens the door. In side that room was another dinning room. This one was smaller than the one they were in and had three different doors that lead in different direction. Rin stomped into the room and opened all of the doors.

"See!" He snapped.

Two of them led to another dinning room each. The third had a narrow hall way. Timcanpy flies ahead and Rin barrages his way through the narrow hallway. It could only fit one person at a time. Bon and Allen follows him. At the end of the hallway is a small door. Rin bends down and opens it. Rin crawls out. There was a bump noise and a yelp that came from Rin.

"Watch you're head Bon." Allen warned.

"... right." Bon sighed. He bent down and crawled out. He looked up to see he was under a table. That's what Rin bumped his head on. He crawled out from under the table to see Rin holding his head.

"Ah! That smarts!" He hissed.

Allen comes out next without a hassle. The golden golem flapped back on to Allen's head. They were in yet another dining room. This one was also small but strangely had windows the didn't show the outside but the inside of the house. A room within a room.

"This house is so weird." Bon said looking around.

"Yeah and this is the dinning room in the dinning room, room." Allen admitted opening the door that opened to another dinning room.

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