Chapter 6 - Ambitions of the Brave or just Plain Stupid

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"Well then, for now I will be giving you back the results of your most recent examination." Yukio announced. He called the names of each student and one by one as they got their results. Beside Allen and Rin, Shimei seemed to beam with confidence.

"What are you so happy about?" Rin asked.

"Well, I'm pretty confident about this." She said.

"Oh yeah, you lived in a pharmacy before..." Rin trailed off.

"Yes, and it's actually one that's exclusive for exorcists, so I'm used to this sort of specialty already." Shimei explained.

"That's pretty handy." Allen said.

"Moriyama-san!" Yukio announced her name.

"Y-Yes!" She replied loudly.

Yukio pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose in an intimidating way as they seem to shine for a moment.

"What is 'Sanchou-san'?" He asked.

"Um... you administer it as a treatment for some burns." She said shyly.

"You must be referring 'Aloe' then." Yukio said. "What's this 'Homairi-san' then?"

"It's a yellow medicine used for inflamed or heavily infected wounds." She explained softly.

"That's called 'Turmeric'." Yukio explained with a smile. He gave her test paper back that was marked in red 41. "I don't mind you giving your own names for these herbs, but do refer to them by their actual names when answering in exams."

"Yes." Shimei said defeated.

"Hah, ha, ha, so much for that being your specialty." Rin laughed.

"Okumura-kun..." Yukio said sternly. Rin was given his test paper back. It had the number 2 on it in red.

"Well, I don't really find this that surprising..." Yukio said with an eyebrow twitch.


"I believe they call this karma, Rin." Allen said with a smirk.

"Shut up." Rin said defeated.

"Suguro-kun." As Rin trudged back to his desk a boy that had hair that looked like Kroy's and an attitude to match Kanda's made his way to Yukio.

"Just 2 points? I could get that sorta score in my sleep if I wanted to." He said loud enough for Rin to hear.

"Huh?" Rin said. Allen had a bad feeling that this was going to end in a fight.

"I bet it's because you kept showing off to that girl instead of studying. Makes me want to puke." He scolds.

"Huh?" Rin retorted.

"You did very well, Suguro-kun." Yukio praised. Suguro revealed his test paper to have 98 on it.

"W-what the...?" Rin exclaimed. "A guy like you getting a 98 is freaking impossible!"

"What did you say?!" He growled. "You know, I've been studying really hard all this time to ace this test. Everyone who goes to this school is someone who's seriously aiming to be an Exorcist in the future."

Allen felt little guilty after hearing this. He wasn't here to be an exorcist. He was done with being an Exorcist. Allen just wanted to be stronger, strong enough to defeat any demon including Satan.

"As a guy who lacks any sort of willpower, you're a pretty big eyesore to me. Go get lost already!" Suguro shouted.

"W-who gave you the damned right to say sh*t about me, you streak-head?!" Rin shouted back. "It's the same for me y'know! I'm seriously aiming to become an Exorcist as well!"

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