Chapter 14 - Bleeding Curse Part 2

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Pure white snow glides through the air. Male shouting and what sound like fighting echo through the night. As soon as it became silent two young men trudge out of the alley way and through the fresh blanket of snow. An injured Rin carries a bloody Allen in a piggy back position. White bandages cover up Allen's left eye.

"Man! You're not what I expected, Allen." Rin said casually.

"I'm sorry, you weren't supposed to be involve, Rin." Allen said solemnly burying his head into Rin's back. Blood dripped down and out of his nose.

"Wrong! The moment they messed you they messed with me too." Rin said stubbornly.

"No. Usually I can take them! If it wasn't for my eye..." Allen trailed off.

"NO! You shouldn't be doing this alone!" Rin snapped. Allen flinches but remains silent. "You distance yourself from everyone in the Abbey! You always go off on your own doing god knows what! Why won't you let anyone help you?!"

"Because I have no one! Everyone is dead!"Allen snapped breaking down into tears. 'Everyone, my family is gone.' Rin's eyes soften at this response but then harden again.

"Well not anymore! When someone bothers you tell me!" Rin growled. "You're not alone anymore, Allen."

Allen looks at Rin in brief shock. He then places his forehead in between Rin's shoulder blades.

"...thank you, Rin."


Amaimon and Rin fight each other on the ground then into the air; below the exorcist students watch in shock and awe.

"What's that?" Shima asked just coming to.

"What's happening to Okumura?" Konekomaru asked fearfully.

"That's a demon sword... the Kurikara." Bon had whispered in shock.

Rin meanwhile in his fight ripped apart the forest in blue flames. Amaimon just happily fought on against his 'younger brother' smiling like a fool. Only then Rin got the upper hand and stabbed Amaimon in the back as they plummet back down to earth. The Earth demon's body lit up in flames and he screamed in pain.

"Burn to ashes!" Rin screamed. Amaimon in a desperate attempt pulled Rin's tail causing Rin to yelp in pain and withdraw his attack. Both boys land on the rocky ground only metres apart.

Meanwhile up above Mephisto watches the battle below chuckling.

"The tail is one of the weakest points a demon has. An educated demon would know better and keep it hidden." He commentated. "You still have loads to learn. First, your own desires."

As Rin fights he becomes more and more demon like. His blue eyes become narrower and Amaimon becomes more afraid.

"Compared to demons who always seek the pleasure in denial, the moderate ways of humans are easy to corrupt. So which way are you taking?"

The students and Yukio and Shura were together and making their way to safety. Yukio was carrying a peacefully passed out Shiemi. The blonde girl was beginning to stir.

"Rin..." She murmured softly waking.

Bon on the other hand was holding Allen who was twitching and murmuring in pain.

Amaimon was at the end his rope barely stopping Rin's blade cutting him apart. His eyes were savage and angry wanting nothing more than to rip the hell prince apart. A crack had appeared on Kurikara and a torrent of blue cascaded down burning Amaimon. At that exact moment the crack appeared Allen screamed. It is horrific and ear piecing, as if he is being burnt alive. Yukio who had put Shiemi down made a B-line and went to Allen. The young man had blood dripping from his scar and black tears leaking out of his cursed eye.

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