Chapter 9 - The Tamer and Shiemi's Choice

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In a corner of the hospital wing a very, very, very pissed off Allen sat in. The ominous aura around seem to almost have a dark purple colour to it. He kept muttering curses in every langue but mostly in English. The exorcism students could sometimes hear "Damn that bastard Mephisto" during his rants.

"DAMN IT!" Rin shouted. Satisfied with the outburst he sat back down. "I can't believe it was a surprise exam..."

"They had us completely fooled..." Bon said with a sigh.

"We should've considerate it..." Shima said with a smile.

"Yes..." Allen's dark appearance startled the boys. "I should have known from the very beginning that bastard would do something... DAMN YOU MEPHISTO!!!!"

"You done?" Rin said impatiently. Allen sighed in sat next to Rin.

"Yes." Allen regained his cheerful demeanour as if nothing bad could ever happen in this world.

"Will I be all right?" Konekomaru said softly.

"It's pointless to worry about that now." Bon said.

"Compared to you, Shima and Allen, I did hardly anything worth mentioning!" He exclaimed.

"You guys will be fine." Kamiki said. "Mr Okumura told us right before the exam. 'An Exorcist cannot fight alone!' '...get on well and cool your heads.' Even you knew this Allen. They tested our qualities for Esquire in a real battle situation... but in that case, I was the worst of all."

"Don't say that Kamiki-san you pulled through at the end and that's what matters." Allen said with a soft smile.

"You'll be fine, I guess." Bon said. "Those two just sat back and did absolutely nothing."

Bon growled referring to the boy with the pink puppet and the boy whose face was covered up by a hood.

"Don't you have anything to say? Huh?" Bon growled.

"I did it! I got the claw of the scaly Dragon." The hooded boy said ignoring Bon and everyone else focusing on his video gaming.

"Shut up, stupid brat! There's nothing I'd want to talk about with you!" The boy... no the puppet exclaimed.

"He talked! He was so mysterious all the time. He's so good at ventriloquism!" Rin exclaimed with dumb expression on his face. Bon seemed to just get ticked off by the antics. 'That wasn't a very good impression though.' Allen sighed. Shiemi had begun to wake up.

"Damn... sorry. I woke you up." Rin apologised softly.

"It's okay; I'm more or less fine by now." She said softly half-asleep. "What were you talking about?"

"About the exam." Shima said.

"You'll get the best grade, that's for sure." Konekomaru said.

"I don't even want to imagine what would have happened without you there. Thanks a lot." Bon bowed.

"Thank you Shiemi-chan, you saved us." Allen said. He also didn't want to imagine what would have happened if Shiemi didn't save them.

Shiemi didn't respond for a few moments slowly processing what they said. "Huh? That... no! I should thank you!"

"You'll pass, that's for sure." Bon praised.

"Or we all are failing." Shima chuckled. Shiemi's face seems to go red.

"By the way, Okumura, how did you defeat that Ghoul?" Konekomaru asked.

'Uh-oh.' Allen thought. There was no doubt in Allen's mind that Rin used Satan's power to defeat the demon.

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