The Untold Truth Part 10

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For the last couple of years Karen has worked at the hospital she has not really made friends. Most of the nurses are younger, married and have young children. How could any of them relate to her? She lives alone in a one-bedroom apartment in Culver City and not a nice part of Culver either. Ever since Tyler died, her will to live has been marginal at best. Tyler was her world. She had been young and dumb once and wound up pregnant while in nursing school. Tyler's biological father wanted nothing to do with the boy or his mother and just disappeared, so Karen raised him herself. Tyler had been a really good child. A Mother's dream. Smart in school. Excelled in athletics. He wanted to be a Physical Therapist for the Lakers. His favorite basketball team. He had been working his way to his goal when he began to experience odd symptoms. There would be times when odors would make him sick to his stomach because they were so strong and others where his vision would blur in and out as if he couldn't focus. Then came the blast-headaches. Headaches so severe they made him wish he was dead. At his mother's urging he went to the doctor who ran several tests but it was the MRI that wrote his fate. An inoperable brain tumor deep in the recesses of his brain. Doctors tried Chemo and radiation but nothing seemed to work. Tyler grew weaker and began to lose his sight, hearing, and smell. Once his sense of smell left so did his appetite and he began to waste away. In the later stages of his cancer he no longer recognized his mother and become withdrawn and silent. It broke Karen's heart. She dealt with Tyler's death completely and wholly on her own. No one held her up at his services. Tyler had so many friends. He was a well-loved child but his mother was alone in this world.

When she got home she went through her usual routine. She made a Lean Cuisine meal because there was no point in cooking when there was only one. She cleaned up and took a shower and got in her pajama's. Tomorrow was an off day so she didn't have to worry about going into work. Tibideaux Boudreau, her calico cat jumped up to cuddle for the night. Tibby as he was called was a gift from Tyler while he was still functioning. Tibby was a cat he got from the SPCA just for his mother. He knew she would be lonely without him when he died and he wanted her to have something to remember him by and to cuddle at night. Tibby fit the bill. How Tibby got his name Karen didn't know but every time Tyler said it he would have such a case of the giggles.

Tibby and Karen were on the couch and she was just about to go to bed when she saw something on the news. She decided to sit a second to see what it was about. It was a news report on a Korean KPop band BTS who had been playing at Staple Center. She didn't follow KPop and understood it even less but it was something about the picture of the seven-member band that stopped her. She took a good look at the picture. She thought "Geez! Jungkook almost looks just like the lead singer." However, the reporter went on to say that the sold-out shows at Staples had been a raging success despite that one member being ill. The reporter stated that BTS was playing a 4-night engagement at Staples Center and that Friday was their night off. She had not heard about Jungkook's outburst when she saw the same news report.

Karen had talked to the two detectives from Rampart who were trying to find out information about "Jung" Doe but she hadn't talked to or seen them since. She went over to her lab coat on the kitchen chair and dug into it. She pulled out a white business card that showed the police headquarters building on Rampart Street. She looked at the clock and thought to herself, "I'll call them in the morning." Karen understood that one member was recovering from an illness and that's why he wasn't on stage. It didn't sound like BTS was missing a member but she thought she would call the detectives in the morning and see what they thought. Besides he was awake enough now to be able to give them information that would be useful to get him back home.

Karen gathered Tibby in her arms and headed to bed. She had a good book to read to help her fall off to sleep. She knew sometime tomorrow, now that Jungkook was awake, they would be transferring him to her floor. She hoped when she went back to work on Saturday he would still be there. Normally, that would be a terrible thought for a nurse but she was truly fond of the boy and was hoping she would be able to provide care until his family came for him.

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