Day 2 - Where Are You? Part 6

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After the detectives left and Jimin spoke with Seijin-nim and PD-nim he sat alone in his room. He sat on the edge of his bed until he finally rolled over and pulled the sheets up. He told the front desk to tell housekeeping to stay out of his room. He didn't want his linens changed. He wanted to smell Jungkook until he couldn't smell him anymore. Not being able to go into Jungkook's room broke his heart further. He couldn't wear a favorite shirt. He couldn't spray a favorite cologne. He couldn't look at his possessions and it tore him apart one piece at a time. He did find one thing that Jungkook had left in his room. His T-shirt from their last night. Jimin wore it and would continue wearing it until they found Jungkook. Even when his members thought it was going to start to smell funky. Jimin refused to allow anyone to wash it.

Jimin woke up on the 2nd day after Jungkook went missing just as depressed as yesterday. He had no smile and his bubbly angelic personality took a vacation and was replaced by a sullen and distant version. His members tried to make him laugh but he wouldn't budge. Even Jin's terrible Dad jokes did nothing. At rehearsals things just didn't go well for Jimin. During Euphoria, Jin stood in for Jungkook and it sent Jimin into the bathroom vomiting. Not that Jin couldn't carry the song, he did a fine job trying but it wasn't Jungkook and it sickened him. Jimin was next with Serendipity and barely half way through he broke down in tears and had to be carried off stage by RM. Stage staff had no clue what was happening and were still wondering why the 7th member had not showed up for rehearsals. They had heard how professional this group was, yet one was missing and no one really explained why and one seemed to be having a mental breakdown.

Back stage Jimin was resting on a sofa with Jin beside him consoling him.

"Hyung, you have to collect yourself. We go on stage tomorrow and we can't have you breaking down before we get started. What can we do to help you?"

"I don't know. I miss him so much. I just don't understand. Why did he have to go out? What happened? My God, Jin-hyung! Where is he?"  Jimin pleaded.

"My brother, please believe that God will help us find him. Please believe he wants to come home to you and to us. It has been barely 2 days since he has gone missing. I don't mean to trivialize his disappearance but he has not been gone forever and we WILL find him." said Jin.

"'s been two days since I have said 'I love you' to him. I don't think I've ever gone 2 minutes. It's been two days since I have held him in my arms. It's been two days since I kissed his sweet lips. TWO DAYS!!!! It IS forever!!!" A fresh stream of tears follows.

Taehyung comes backstage and sees Jin sitting next to Jimin who is crying for yet another time. Taehyung has had it. He loves Jimin with all of his heart and seeing him like this; tears him apart but he understands that this is not helping Jimin or BTS. Taehyung takes a hardline and...

He storms over to Jimin..." Hey, whiny ass-bitch meet Tired-As-Fuck Taehyung! Why do you have to be the one with the market on missing Jungkook? Huh? Don't you think this is affecting us all? You don't get to act like this and think we are going to coddle you! We have a show in 24 hours and you can't even make it through one fucking rehearsal without losing your shit! Don't you think I miss Jungkook? Don't you think I'm worried as hell for him? Just because I don't cry in front of you doesn't mean I'm not crying."

"Geez Tae! Don't you think you're being harsh? I mean really!?! He's hurting." says Jin.

"Well Jin-hyung, we can coddle him through this and cancel every show we worked so hard for or we can at least do what I believe Jungkook would want us to do and that's to fucking perform. What do you think? Do you think Jungkook would be happy knowing Jimin has become absolutely helpless or that he found the inner strength to get his ass of the damn sofa and perform like he always does. Jungkook would be pissed at you Jimin and you know it. Honor him right now and perform like you are doing it for him personally. You can do this! Now get the fuck off that damn sofa and get your ass on stage...and by the way...I love you, hyung."

Jimin was shocked by how roughly Taehyung had just talked to him but the message was received loud and clear. He pulled himself together and went to the restroom. Cleaned himself up and went out to do his rehearsal for Serendipity. He started to choke up on Untold Truth but remembered Tae's words and got through it with only a couple of cracked notes. When they were done with rehearsals they headed back to the hotel. Jimin headed toward his room and turned and asked Tae to come in for a while.

"Thank you hyung for today. I needed that...badly. I forgot how this was affecting us all but I miss him so much. I just want to know he is okay. I won't let you guys down again. It's hard but I will do my best to perform as I always do."

"Well Jimin-ah that means everything to us. We know how hard this is for you especially since you can't say anything publicly. Neither can we. I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like to not know what happened to the one you love the most. I just can't. I love Jungkook so much but I don't love him like you do. To me he is my best friend and brother but that is all. To you he is your world. Your universe, sun, moon and stars. I hope to understand a love like that someday. I think we all hope to. We have a show to put on tomorrow and we don't even know how we are going to do it without Jungkook." V said.

Jimin gets up from the chair he is sitting in and goes over to Tae and gives him the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek. Tae blushes a bit.

"Tae, thank you for telling me what I needed to hear, not what I wanted to hear. I love you brother." he says.

"I love you too. I always have. Now let's go get something to eat. I'm starving." Tae says.

"Oh, I don't know. I think I'm gonna order something light in. You guys go and have fun. Don't let me be the wet blanket on the party."

"No, Jimin-hyung! You are going too. I know you all too well. You will say you are ordering something and then you do not eat at all. We are not going down that slippery slope. You are going out and eating. You don't have to eat a lot but you have to eat." V orders.

"Yes, hyung." They head out the door and over to RM's room.

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