Rude Awakening Part 9

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Megan was the ICU nurse assigned to Jungkook today.  She was float-pooling for a nurse who called in sick.  She hadn't been a nurse for Jungkook so she thought it would be an easy day.  Brain injury patients don't get demanding.  They don't treat you like the hired help for everything from a box of Kleenex to dumping a total of 10cc's of urine from their urinal or better yet being the demented patient that doesn't understand the Foley catheter is there for a reason and tries to yank it out balloon intact.  Today would be anything but that day.  Jungkook had now gone two days without sedative medication and was making slow but steady progress to waking up.  He hadn't purposefully opened his eyes but it looked like he was making attempts.  He would squeeze the nurse's hand without being prompted to do so and in response to Yes/No questions.  He was slowly coming around.  Megan had stepped over to the nurse's station to chart some information when suddenly she hears this loud screaming noise coming from her patient's room.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!! Jwimin-ssi!! Jwimin-ssi!!! Where are you?  I can't see you!  Where are you?"  He is sitting up in the bed with his eyes opened."  Megan goes running into his room with a syringe of Ativan thinking she's gonna need it.  He starts to scream again.  "Chim Chim, I need you!  Chim Chim, I love you!" All in Korean.

In a calm voice Megan begins to talk to Jungkook who is highly agitated.  He is looking straight ahead and breathing deep heavy breaths.

"Jung.  Jung.  Look at me honey.  Look at me.  You are in the hospital.  Do you hear me?"  She walks carefully toward Jungkook.

In Korean he begins to scream out again. "Where's my Jwimin-ssi?  Where is he?"  He starts to cry and throw whatever is in reach.

Megan doesn't understand what he is saying.  She leans her head out of his room and starts yelling for any of the other nurses to come and help her.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! Chimmy I need you!!!!  Where did you go!?!"  He is sobbing uncontrollably.

"I could really use some damn help here!  I don't understand what he is saying and he's throwing things!  Call a Code Grey Stat!" Megan screams.

          One of the nurses initiates the call for security to ICU.  "Code Grey, ICU. Code Grey, ICU, Code Grey, ICU."  One of the nurses that runs in to the room is a short stout Asian woman.  She hears what Jungkook is screaming and starts to speak to Korean.

"Jung. Jung. Listen to me.  My name is Mai.  I'm a nurse.  You are in the hospital.  Do you understand me."

          Through his tears Jungkook nods.  He understands her.  He looks at her with pleading pathetic eyes and asks...

"Where is Jwimin-ssi?  Please where is my Jwimin-ssi?"  He is sobbing again.

"What is he..."  She's shoved to one side as security comes bursting through the door.  She yells..."Stop!!!  Don't touch him.  He just woke from a coma. He's scared and doesn't know where he is."

"Jung.  Calm down.  We'll help you but you have to calm down.  Let us help you.  Tell me where you are." calming speaking says Mai.

"Why do you keep calling me Jung?  That's not my name!  Where is Jiminie-hyung?"  He has calmed down but is still agitated.  "You say I'm at the hospital but I don't know why."

"Will you let me come over and talk to you?  I'll explain everything." Mai says.

          He nods with tears still in his eyes.  Megan tells security to go ahead and leave that they have it under control now and they walk out.

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