7 - 1 = 7 Part 3

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Jin had gotten up at about 6:30a.m. and was heading to the gym in the hotel. He and Jungkook were going to do their morning workout. When he got there, he didn't see Jungkook so he called up to his room but there was no answer. He thought maybe he caught him on his way down and he just got up a bit late. He and Jungkook had been workout partners since trainee days. He waited for 15 more minutes. This wasn't like Jungkook. If he wasn't going to workout he would have text Jin but there weren't any messages. Jin called the room again and still no answer. Jin cleaned off the sweat and headed over to see if Jungkook was in the hotel restaurant. Thinking maybe he decided to get something to eat, even though he knew Jungkook would have ordered room service and had breakfast with Jimin. Jin tries calling Jungkook's cell phone and it goes straight into voicemail. No answer in his room, no answer on his cell. Is he that asleep? Did he go to sleep that late? Jin heads up to Jungkook's room and knocks on the door. No answer. Jin calls out...

"Jungkook-ah! Jungkook-ah! Are awake? Are you coming down to work out? Jungkook-ah! Wake up!"

"What's wrong Jin?" says RM coming out of his room.

"I don't know. Jungkook was supposed to meet me downstairs to workout and he hasn't shown up. He won't answer his phone in the room or his cell phone. Have you seen him this morning?"

"No. Last I saw him was with V and Jimin. Have you asked either of them?

Jin calls V. "TaeTae have you seen Jungkook-ah this morning? No? Last you saw them was when you left the bar? Oh, ok. No. He was supposed to meet me to workout this morning but he's not answering his phones and he doesn't seem to be in his room. Yeah, I checked the restaurant downstairs but I thought he'd have breakfast with Jimin. No. I haven't asked him yet.

JHope steps out of his room and sees RM and Jin in the hallway, "Hey, I just got a text from Tae, no one has seen Jungkook? Since when? Has anyone checked with Jimin? Did you try texting Jungkook?" Crossing his arms and looking as concerned as the rest.

Tae comes flying down the hallway in a robe and begins pounding on Jimin's room door.

"Jimin-ah!, Jimin-ah! Open the door!!! Wake up and open the door!!!" He starts yelling in his deep voice. "Jimin-ah open the fucking door!" Harsh words for someone who doesn't swear that much.

A groggy voice responds. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. Let me get my robe." He opens the door and Jin, RM, JHope, and V come barreling through the door almost knocking Jimin to the ground. "Yaaaaa! What the fu-!?!"

"Is Jungkook here?" V says.

"No. Why?" says Jimin tying the robe and rubbing sleep from his eyes trying to fully comprehend what was happening.

"You aren't covering for him, are you?" V asks accusatorily. "He's not in your bathroom, behind the curtains or under your bed or something?"

"Aish!! No, Taehyung!! What the fuck is going on?" says Jimin irritated.

"When was the last time you saw him?" He says sternly to Jimin.

"When we went to our rooms. You're starting to freak me out Tae. What the hell is going on?" Jimin is starting to get agitated.

"Just when he went into his room?" Jimin knew what V was driving at.

With exasperation..." the last time I saw him was next to me and I fell asleep. Next thing I know I'm being rudely awaken by pounding on my door. I get up and Jungkook is not there. I don't know when he left. I was asleep. Now fucking tell me what's going on."

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