It Doesn't Work Like That

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A month and a half later.....

"I just don't understand how you don't get that." Taraji snapped stuffing clothes into the washer machine.

"Get what? How my girlfriend doesn't want to live with me? You're right I don't get that. Nope, not at fucking all." He spat standing behind her. All was well until he brought up her moving in again. Despite the fact that she hadn't really been at Tracie's and her spot in 2 weeks. She had been staying with him.

"I've been here almost all month. Is that not enough?" She responded slamming the washer lid shit and starting it.

"No, it's not. I want you to move in!!!" He roared.

"Are you sure, cause the parties you keep throwing tells me you like your space, and I'm fine with that." She snapped. She tried brushing past him only to be grabbed roughly.

"Don't start that walking away shit." He hissed lowly, she looked down at the hand on her arm feeling her body start to heat up.

Call her crazy but she loved that shit. Scowling she smacked his hand hard making him release her. He hissed in pain clutching his hand, she huffed then walked past him. She started aggressively putting dry dishes away. It wasn't long before she heard him coming after her.

"Girl, I swear to god." He growled out, she ignored him.

"Get the fuck away from me. And I'm not playing." Taraji snapped, she was in no mood.

Just because she wasn't moving fast enough for him he was upset. She thought it was a big step to even be over at his house this long, but to him it was nothing. That was her issue, she was making steps and he was trying to make her leap.

"I know you not talking to me like that. Get some act right and talk to me like you got some sense." He spat, she scoffed.

"I'm the only one with some." She clapped back.

"Oooo girl I swear.....This fucking attitude gotta go." He spoke, she rolled her eyes about to start some dishwater.

"I don't have an attitude. It's called disagreeing with my boy friend and he's acting like a child and can't handle it, because he's so damn simple minded that anyone who disagrees has an attitude. When in reality they are just tired of the same old same old bullshit that obviously starts every argument. He's too damn stupid to stop bringing it up like a fucking Jackass. It only makes her want to cut his tongue out even more!!!!" She ranted in one breath, moving stuff off the counter and wiping it clean.

The silence that filled the room after was off putting. One minute she was wiping the counter the next there was a hand on the back of her head forcing her down onto the counter. The force he was using was meant to keep her from moving.

"Get off me!" She barked, although her core was already leaking.

"Shut that shit up! Girl you and that mouth, I'm trying to get my anger under control and here you go." He hotly replied, he started yanking the shorts down her legs. She squirmed trying to get out of his hold. 

"You just love pissing me off huh?" He spoke his voice deep and dark, she was sure his eyes were like that too.

"No..." She lied, a heavy hand connected with her skin making her jump and hiss.

"Stop lying, my pussy crying for me." He spoke looking at her glistening juices.

"You just love when I can't control myself and I get rough huh?" He continued, she sucked in a breath before replying.

"No I dont." She lied again, she clenched anticipating a smack. None came, she heard him tsk. Once she relaxed he struck her harder. The blow caught her off guard, her ass had started to gain color.

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