The Boy is Mine

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"Tracie, listen hun. Breath, just go without me." Taraji spoke pacing the floor as much as the phone cord would allow.

She could hear Tracie breathing hard over the phone and JJ trying to calm her down. Taraji groaned out her annoyance. Terrence was supposed to be home an hour ago. How long does a damn store run take?

"Taraji, I don't know what to do. Please hurry up." Tracie whimpered.

"Trace, listen to me. Goooooooooo!" Taraji encouraged, her hard headed friend was more worried about her best friend missing a birth then getting to the hospital.


"Hand the phone to JJ." Taraji sighed, she could hear shuffling before JJ let her know he had the phone.

"I'm gonna hang up in 30 seconds, take her to the hospital, keep her calm, I'll meet you there. Okay?" She spoke.

"Okay." He responded, she hung up not giving Tracie a chance to snatch the phone back.

Plopping down on the couch she scowled at the door. They were supposed to be spending the weekend together. School had been really showing it's ass, their classes had been switched up. So they rarely saw each other on some days besides English 101 and their Theatrics class.

Now here she was alone in the new apartment, waiting for snacks that were no where in sight. Another 10 minutes passed before she heard the jingle of keys. She stood grabbing her jacket. Walking into the house with bags he gazed at her in confusion.

"Drive to the hospital!" She snapped brushing past him.

He hurriedly set the bags down following after her. By the time he made it to the car, she was waiting at the door. Unlocking the door with his key, he pressed the unlock button. She climbed in slamming the door.

"Babe, what's the matter?" He asked pulling out. She sent an icy glare his way.

"Where. Have. You. Been?" She questioned with her arms crossed.

"I went to the store." He responded.

"For an hour and a half?" She snapped, he sighed tilting his head from side to side. Glancing at her a silence engulfed them, she could tell he was panicking.

".......I...I just ran into some friends." He responded.

"Some friends? What friends?" She questioned giving him her full attention.

"Rashad, Adam......Chantel..." He muttered softly.

"CHANTEL? That bitch your friend now? Oh, what other bitches your friends huh? Let me go find a friend then." She spat giving him her back.

"Really Taraji. I didn't think you'd mind, I swear we were only chatting it up about this party Rashad wanna throw." He spoke pulling into the hospital parking lot.

"Naw, it's cool. It's all good, I just need some friends." She muttered unbuckling her seatbelt, his jaw clenched at her insinuation.

"I wish you fucking would." He hissed putting the car in park. She opened her door and got out slamming it shut. He winced at the sound his precious car made.

"Taraji!" He barked getting out of the car, nothing pissed him off more then her walking away from him.

"GIRL! Quit fucking walking away from me." He growled grabbing her by the arm.

With a little more force then he intended he yanked her back torwards him. She winced from the bite of pain. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he pressed against a near pillar.

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