Not What It Seems

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1 month later.....

The living room was live with noise at Bernice's. The women cooking away while the men including Chris sat watching the game. It was a small family gathering for thanksgiving. Mama Bernice was in no moods to have too many people over. Instead she invited a few family members. She wished she had thought about it more.

She had a living room full of men, while in the kitchen it was just her, Taraji, Tracie, her sister, Alice, and a Taraji's cousin. The women were in there own world. Grooving along to the radio, the women were hard at work preparing everything.

Chatter spread around the kitchen as everyone watched Taraji at the stove. Unbeknownst to Taraji the topic was her. The women eyes with envy as the watched her. No one understood why she was so small. She was 5 months pushing 6, which wasn't far. Next week to be exact.

"I mean...How, I got big when I was with Sapphire." Tracie mumbled, the women hummed.

"Your telling me, when I was carrying Terrence my ankles were calfs." Alice grumbled, once again a course of hums rung out. There was no indication Taraji was 5 months pregnant from her body, apart from a rounded stomach she looked normal. With a jump the women scattered as Taraji turned around. Each acting as if they had been doing something the whole time. She eyed the other women with suspicion.

"What y'all doing?" She questioned, the shared a look that didn't go unnoticed.

"Nothing." Rung out in unison. With a hand perched on her hip, and the other on her stomach she narrowed her eyes.

"You sure?" Taraji questioned in disbelief, she eyed the woman.


"Ooooo...You know what!....I..." Taraji's fuse being blown was interrupted by the door bell ringing. The women listened out for the men to open the door. When the bell rung again, Taraji huffed stomping to the door.

"You know what she may be small, but them mood swings of hers makes up for it. I do not and I mean do not miss that." Bernice spoke, the women nodded in agreement watching her storm off.

Terrence glanced up from the game in time to watch her form go by, he eyed the jiggling lower assets. Pregnant Taraji loved her tights and leggings. While also loving her sexy underwear. Chris nudged Terrence, she pursed her lips giving him a snicker. He shoved her sucking his teeth going back to the game.

JJ sighed seeing his daughter eyeing Taraji from her jumper. He wasn't jealous.....well that's a lie. He was jealous, extremely jealous. His 9 month beauty was always up under TJ, as if her parents didn't matter. The door bell rung twice this time furthering the downhill spin Taraji's mood was taking.

"RING THE DOOR BELL AGAIN!" Taraji screamed opening the door. Apryl froze her impatient finger freezing just before she rung the bell again. She quickly put it down gazing at her enraged sister.

"Sorry TJ, I just have to pee!" Apryl rushed out then sped past her sister. Taraji closed her eyes and took a deep breath leaning on the door frame. She rubbed her belly, a habit she was forming when she got upset or felt really strong emotions.

"How are you?" A voice broke out, Taraji's eyes popped open with a glare at the man interrupting her peace time. Her father gave her an apologetic smile. She looked at his face and felt guilty for being mean. She sighed dropping her head.

"What's wrong?" He asked, hearing a little sniffle he looked at his daughter in concern.

"Why would you ask that?" She whimpered before her tears started to fall. His eyes bucked looking at her, panic settling in.

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