1.99 Killing The Nanny

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 At the cemetery. night. 

I shined on the four gravestones in front of me "I found the four boys. "

Sam "And here's Leticia Gore. "

I looked up and saw Damien and Barnes tip toeing at the edge of the cemetery and shining their torches in the bushes.

Dean asked confused " Ah...what are you guys doing?"

 Damien was now in character " We're looking for bones genius. They gotta be around here somewhere. "

Dean " Ok. Generally, bones are in the ground. "

Sam dumped his bag and leaned down. 

Damien nodded "Yeah, I know that. I just... "

Then he saw Sam pulling shovels out of the bag "Wait, hold on. Are you guys serious?"

 Dean nodded " Deadly. "

Barnes shook his head " We're not really digging up graves you guys, we're just playing a game"

. Dean "Trust us. You wanna win the game, right? ."


I watched how Dean's shovel his the coffin.

Dean gave me the shovel and opened the coffin. yeah, there was a skeleton. 

Damien gagged "That's not a plastic skeleton. That's a... that's a skeleton skeleton. "

Barnes " You just dug up a real grave. "

Dean nodded "Yeah. "

Damien "You guys are nuts"

I asked amused " I thought you guys wanted to be hunters."

 Damien said freaked out "Hunters aren't real man. This isn't real. "

Damien and Barnes turned to walk away. 

Barnes "My God. You guys have seriously lost your grip on this, "

He turned back to look at Sam and froze.

Sam asked confused "What? "

Suddenly a ghost was standing next to Sam "Naughty, naughty, naughty! "

she backhanded Sam across the cemetery. Damien and Barnes screamed and turned to run. 

I bent down to the bag and pulled out salt and burn material. 

I threw them to Dean.

Then i went to help the two idiots. Well, it was too late.

Gore had already her hands in their chests " Naughty, naughty, naughty! "

They began to scream. 

Me" Dean!"

Dean "I'm on it!"

Then he set the skeleton on fire. 

Gore started to burn and vanished. 

The idiots tried to catch their breaths. 

Sam walked back to us with a hand on his head. 

Dean looked the fake brothers "Real enough for you?"

They just looked horrified. 

At the bar. 

We saw Damien and Barnes sitting at the bar. they were doing shots to forget what happened. 

Barnes "that was...really... "

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