.Rise and Fall. (77)

Start from the beginning

I nodded before adding, "But you have to buy me ice cream."

"As much as you want", he said tilting his head slightly to have a good look at my face. "You're beautiful even you cry. How do you even do that?" He made a fake shocked face and I hit his arm laughing.

"Aww ain't you guys cute? I think I've said that for more than thousand times..", Sarah cooed making us known her presence in our little bubble. I thought she left. "But now, let's go and eat something", she added lifting her chin to follow her direction. The moment I saw her heading to booth in the corner packed with Zac, Nickel and Stella directly staring at us, the answer flew out of my mouth, "No!"

"What?", Sarah asked halting on her steps.

"I mean we already had dinner so, you go ahead and we'll head home. I don't want to stress Ethan", I said. It was true I didn't want him to get more tired than he already was.

"But pumpkin we can.." Ethan started but I cut him off because noway I'm sitting there with him. I need to stay out of trouble. 

"No! We are going home Ethan. You need to rest", I said with finality in my tone. He saw how serious I was and nodded.

"Dummy you're such a pooper." Sarah rolled her eyes at me before turning to Ethan with a smile. "Goodbye unicorn and be careful before dummy turns you into a person as boring as her."

"I'll keep that in mind", he said flashing his teeth. With a wink, she walked off. Ethan casually placed his arm around my shoulders as we exit the mall and I ignored all the lingering stares I felt behind my back. The warm breeze blew as we stepped outside, making me smile. I love summer.

"Is it just me or for a second I thought I saw dirty blonde there with Zac?", he asked scratching his head. My smile deflated as I nodded but quickly changed the topic. "So where did you go running off before?"

He shook his head. "You have to wait till the prom to find out and until then, the key is patience pumpkin." I rolled my eyes at him as we continue to walk to my car parked at the end. "Oh, did you get the bow tie?"

"I did." I lifted the packet to show him.

"Let's see what color you got me." He tried to take it from my hand to see, I took it away instantly shaking my head. 

"Uh uh, you have to wait till the prom to find out", I repeated his words mimicking his tone and smirked.
I was praying to not fall off the ladder as I try to balance my footing as well as paint the cardboard cut in the shape of a cloud. Fallon High had a tradition of making the seniors work for thier dream prom night every year and no doubt it was even engraved in the policy book. So, here we are working our ass off two days before the night, that some students like my bestfriend would like to call magical for some reasons. I gagged at the word magical.

Once again, carefully I bend a little to reach the paint bucket to dip the brush in it before I brought it to the cloud and stroke it gently over. Between concentrating on how to keep my balance on the creaky ladder and painting the upper part, the brush slipped off my clumsy hand and dropped with a thud on the floor. Just great, I thought.

"I have two free helping hands. You need any?", asked the deep voice I used to love and missed hearing, even though I won't admit it. I groaned audibly for him to hear and understand that his presence is annoying me. I didn't need help, not from him of all the people at least. So I started to take steps down slowly, to prevent from falling.

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