Jack's tour

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Quick A/N:

I am sorry that it's all a mess lately. But I just wanted to tell ya guys some stuff that had happened.

You know I was in therapy, in a clinic. I was there for four months.

Now, back in August my dad bought me a VIP ticket for Jack's tour. Of course I was excited like shit. But I also was anxious... Because to that time I was still in the clinic because of my depression.

My mum, dad and I talked a lot about the tour. It ended up that, like I said, my dad bought me a ticket and I went to his tour in cologne. At the 24th, so only a few days ago.

Now, the reason I am writing this is.... Because something happened that throw me back a bit in my state of mental health. I had a panic attack at Sean's show...

It's still bugging me. I feel guilty for something I don't have control of. I am doing a bit better now. But I stay in bed almost the hole day and sleep only for like two hours.

I am doing okay. The show was awesome. Even though I had an panic attack. Of course, it sucks that I was not able to watch the main part of his show.... But hey, he got my gift (the one above) and I got the guts to ask him a question during the VIP part of the show. I just wish it wouldn't had ended how it did. At least for me.

My mum and I actually waited two hours outside for Jack. But he didn't came, so... It's not his fault! It isn't anybodys fault. I don't blame him or anyone that he couldn't come. I don't hate him for that either. It is very sad that it wasn't possible, but it's okay. I can't change it now anyways.

Now, the hole point of this. It's still bugging me... A lot. XD ^^'
I don't know how much it effects this story. The last chapter war already done for a few days. But because I (and everything around me) is a mess, I wasn't able to publish it. Sorry about that..

It's just, I just came back from the longtime therapy, my mum and I moved out, we still need to unpack boxes and we don't have any sorts of internet wich is slightly killing me, I still have struggle by dealing with my depression and then that with the panic attack happened.... It's just a lot. I wanted you guys to know that.

To be honest, I don't even know how to feel about this story anymore. I won't end it. At least I don't want to. I just have mixed emotions about it. Because of the septiplier ship (I personally just ship the in a bromine way, so its sometimes weird writing it), mostly every ship, the breakup between Sean and Signe.. Let's just say, I am not that happy with what I am doing right now. But it not only effects wattpad. Also my Insta page or my long planed Tumblr account that still isn't up.

However, I guess that's it. Thank for everyone who read through this. It means a lot.

We will see where this is going.


Also, I wanna say a big thanks again to @jemstone491 who always leaves me such kind and motivated words. Now matter if we are texting a lot or not. To know that you care about me is already such an support. Thank you so much for that again. <3

Btw; my Instagram name is @ thejseteacup ;)

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