She had the kind of smirk on her face specifically directed towards me, and it basically said 'I know what you said, you just need to say it louder so everyone across the globe can know.'

"I said we panicked!" I snapped my head towards Zoe as she threw her hands up like she was surrendering. The look was still on her face, though. "You would've too if you saw them! Wanna take a look, Zo!? They're right on your new guitar case!"

They weren't, obviously, but I knew Zoe was still somewhat gullible. Her hair bounced on her shoulders as she frantically ran to where we were standing. She gave me a glare when she realized they weren't on her case.

"You're an asshole," she muttered, marching back to the kitchen.

"Right back at you."

Evan still kept on eye on the cockroaches. "Guys- We, uh, we should probably get rid of the- these bugs..."


After eating the lunch Y/N and Zoe brought outside, we decided to prepare a bonfire and make s'mores for our desert. I entered the kitchen from the backyard. Y/N stood near the cleaned up counter, looking at packs of graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows and staring off into space.

"Did you know Evan has like, never had a s'more?"

Quickly, she blinked and snapped out of her daydream. The thoughtful expression on her face faded. "Never?"


"Well, he's in for a treat then."

"Was that a pun?"

"Well good thing we got all these stuff, we're not letting it go to waste." She stuffed her hands in her pockets as she chuckled, purposely ignoring my question with a smirk. "The town's pretty cute. Zoe and I were about to take a walk, but then she told me about an old railroad track near this house apparently." Her tone was weirdly on edge but I couldn't blame her. The town was nice and plain, but there were some dumb ass and even sketchy people that roamed the streets.

I nodded. The track was abandoned, obviously, but some people usually went there just for photoshoots or college kids when there to get high or drunk. Maybe both.
Still, I would never try to interact with them. It's not that they were scary, they just weren't my type of people, regardless if they liked to get high or not.

"We might go there." I shrugged. "It's summer, so some people might be there."

"HEY!" Zoe called from outside. The fire was already crackling satisfyingly. "You guys should get your pants back on and make some s'mores with us!"

I rolled my eyes as I clenched my jaw. Y/N covered half her face but snorted and laughed lightly. "Holy shit..." she breathed out, making eye contact with me. She looked flushed, and I found it both hilarious and adorable.

"Lately I've been joking about her and Evan in the same way, so I guess we're even," I explained, still rolling my eyes.

"Wow," Y/N gathered some of the supplies in her hand. "Connor Murphy playing nice? That's a concept!"

She cracked up as I lightly punched her shoulder. "Oh shush!"


We were lucky our house wasn't part of a neighborhood. If it was, every neighbor would hate us, especially since we were a bunch of annoying 17-18-year-olds. Evan was about to have his first s'more and we were way too excited about it.

"Hurry up and blow it, dude!" Zoe laughed as Evan, slightly panicking, held his roasting stick with a fiery marshmallow at the end. Y/N and I sat back and enjoyed probably our 3rd s'more. We probably had more, but neither of us bothered to count. Why would we?

My girlfriend held back a laugh. "That's what she said."


Evan frantically blew it out. One side of his marshmallow was charcoal black, but part of the other side was a light golden brown.

"It'll be fine, just put it on a cracker and put a shit ton of chocolate on it," I told him as he nodded. He did just that with the help of Zoe and took a bite.

An anticipating silence filled the atmosphere with the dramatic cracking of the fire. Melted chocolate and marshmallows were stuck to everyone's chin and upper lip now. Evan looked up as we tilted our heads.

"So?" Y/N asked.

A small chuckle was let out from his s'more filled mouth as he held up a thumbs up.

Then he said, "It's kinda sweet."

"Because there's too much chocolate." Y/N said, tossing another marshmallow into her mouth.

I cocked an eyebrow at her as she giggled. "Are you really gonna have a s'more debate with me?"

"I mean, I wouldn't say no." She shrugged, but I could see a small smirk on her face.

And so the night progressed with all four of us giving our opinions on s'mores. Eventually, that turned into a heated argument about other deserts. I also decided to be a little nice and not tell them about the time Zoe poured the milk before the cereal.

Suddenly standing up, Y/N, nearly dropping her s'more, turned to me. "Wait," she held up a finger. A couple of seconds later, as if on cue, there was a clap of thunder.

A/N: i hope you guys realize some parts of this were dramatized on purpose lol

if ya want, you can comment your opinion on s'mores and how you guys make them (if you like them)

hope you enjoyed this long (ish) chapter :D thanks for being patient too!

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