"I won't let you down, Deku. You'll see a part of my quirk I haven't shown you guys yet. It'll come in handy," you reassured.

"I'm so excited to see that! Hopefully we won't need it but it's still so cool to see your quirk (y/n)!" Ochaco chimed in with her sweet smiling face. Tokoyami glanced at you with intrigue.

"Something you haven't told us huh? That is an interesting concept. Let's win."

Your thoughts were locked on winning and survival. That was all. Deku needed defense, his point total was already astronomical. Luckily for him, you were the best student in the program as far as defense goes. Katsuki assumed Kirishima was a better defender and he would have been had his opponent been someone other than you.

You blinked your eyes a few times, noting a dull, dry pain but one that mostly disappeared in the twenty-minute span since your last challenge. You were hoping the rest of your group had enough endurance, but you knew that at least if they had to just touch Midoriya, you'd be fully capable of carrying him yourself.

It wasn't long before Midnight set everyone off of their leashes and the second round officially began.


Your team had been running and dodging non-stop during the entire second part of the Sports Festival. Fighting off and defending from team after team, your intutition had saved the squad more times than they could count.

"Two groups on our right. Four o'clock, three o'clock. One group on our left, nine o'clock." You alerted your group. They understood what you were saying and were surprised at your sharpened senses. You usually weren't focused enough to use that talent during school or regular life, but on your missions, it was sometimes vital when it came to activating your quirk. With focus, you are able to pinpoint the locations of others purely through sound and vibrations emanating from the ground. That was why many shinobi of your village's past were either barefoot or wore thin sandals. The feet are a sensitive body part that most people look over, but you were trained not to.

However, wearing running shoes was making that considerably difficult.

When your team took a half a second to analyze their surroundings, you slid your shoes and socks off onto the ground, standing barefoot.

"W-what are you doing?!" Izuku exclaimed in shock. The expression on your face made it clear  you would show him why you were doing something so strange. Your classmates aside from Katsuki have no idea about your past, Izuku with a mild idea because of All Might snitching, unbeknownst to you. They had no idea you were any different from any normal student.

"It's from martial arts practice. It's easier to tell by touch if someone is close by when we are basically surrounded." You hoped they would buy something like that...but Deku was particularly observant.

"Wow that's so cool! Okay direct us further. We want to be far away from Kacchan and Todoroki! They will come after us hard!" Nope, Deku ate that excuse up like a fine dining experience.

"I'll do my best. I'm most familiar with Katsuki." Ochaco tried to hide her giggle from your comment but failed miserably.

"Well yeah. You two are like the hottest couple on campus. So...are you guys like boyfriend-girlfriend yet?" Ochaco's round brown eyes gleamed with harmless mischief. Your face suddenly burned and you broke out in a sweat.

"With respect, I think waiting until after this part of the exam to talk about romance is the most appropriate. We have some trouble coming our way," Tokoyami interjected. You mentally thanked him and looked dead ahead. You could feel a chilling sensation overcome your toes.

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