30 | Protect

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It's been a while since I have hung out with Adelram like this. Not a while. Years.

He is always busy making deals, doing paperwork, working on keeping us hidden, etc. etc.

When I first met Adam, we always used to do things like this together because the business was just beginning. But now that we are established I am his right hand man.

I find new recruits. Hire new men. Run background checks. Persuade those who try to cross us. Etc. Etc.

I miss this.

I like Selena. She has made him stick around more and loosen up. Sure it's risky bringing some FBI girl over here to our base home, where our(Adam's) family stays.

Felicity. That monster who hurt her has paid for what he has done. Adam has been worming his way into the medical research/health care. business to find a way to bring back what she lost. Even if it is a just little bit.

His name is seared into my brain. I protect Felicity from it every chance I get. I never hire men with his name. Never men with his middle name or his last name. I protect her.

I feel as though I have failed her. . .

She thought she was happy with him. But I saw her in Adam's house, in her parents' house. Crying at night when he wouldn't answer her calls. When he would spend his nights flirting with the maids in our house.

He was not good for her. But she told me she loved him. That she could fix him.

Her emotions were so easy to read. Like a book. All you had to do was look into those eyes. They used to hold so much joy.

Anyways, I like that me and Adam are getting some good quality bonding time in. I mean what could be better that getting to use some of my new knives on this piece of shīt. I get them custom made from this girl in Germany.


I need to get out of this stupid room. I have to destroyed anything that could possibly be a listening device or a hidden camera.

I can hear two guards outside my room and I know there are bound to be cameras in the hallway.

Damn. These guards are heavy breathers.

You're back.

Of course I am you run away dümbãss. I figured you need me if we are going to get out of here and explain ourselves to Adam.

Get over yourself.

I decide that the best way to get the guards in here is to make a noise. I are myself with some items I have found in the room and I push over what looks like a hospital issued chair.

I run up beside the door and soon enough one guys enters. I shut the door behind in which makes him turn around. And I press and twisted on his pressure points so he goes unconscious without causing too much of a ruckus.

I wait a few more minutes till the next guard cones inside to check on the other one. I pull the same tact. Closing to door and knocking him out so no one suspects a thing. I take their phones and weapons. They are only carrying a few knives each, two guns total, and one of them has brass knuckles which are poorly put together. I break the knuckles into several pieces because they are too big for me fingers.

I pick on the less built guard and use his body as a shield from any cameras. There are five cameras. I only have four metal rings. I hide behind his body as I take out the first two cameras.

An alarm sounds and I know now is the time ditch the guard who is starting to stir in my arms.

"I'm sorry about this," I say to him knocking out the last three cameras.

As I hear footsteps coming down the hallway I snap his neck and run.

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