35 | Training

170 7 1

Hey, quick author's note.

I am editing earlier chapters and some things are being slightly changed. I'm adding aesthetics and stuff for some of the chapters for fun as well. For the little aesthetics at the top of each chapter, you need to click on them to see the full thing.

You can go back a re-read if you want, but I promise nothing major has changed in the storyline. Just minor details.

I used to have a 'cast' page but I hated it so I deleted it almost immediately, but I just added in some aesthetics for each character including some of the old FBI team that is currently off the grid.

Just wanted to give a heads up about the editing in case anyone gets confused or anything.


I've been punching the same damn punching bag for the past two hours.

Adam went straight to his office after showering and getting dressed. I know he has a lot of work, but he didn't even look in my direction the entire morning after he woke up.

I begin punching into the bad even harder. Frustrated.

Frustrated at Adam.

Frustrated at myself.

A most of all, sexually frustrated.

I've never really felt this way about anything before.

This morning. That was almost my first real consensual orgasm.

It's embarrassing to think about and I feel more embarrassed at the fact that it felt so good.

I wince as I continue punching the bag and feel a sudden sting beneath the wrap on my hands. I asked Rossi to show me where I could punch something and he lead me to indoor gym in section of the house I didn't know existed.

I swear I still have no freedom here seeing as I don't even know what half the rooms of this place are.

Rossi wanted to stay and maybe fight with me, but I told him to kindly fuck off.

He obviously didn't get the message because he was currently situated on the other side of the gym lifting weights, running on the treadmill, and doing whatever. Rossi stayed for the entire time I was here, not leaving me alone. And I swear I could hear his music playing through his headphones all the way from across the room.

I roll my eyes as he notices me watching him and happily waves.

I unwrap my hands to reveal my knuckles started split on those last few hits. I could honestly care less about that right now, but I go to grab some fresh wrap and toss the bloody one aside.

As I rewrap my hands, I notice Rossi walking over with that stupid grin on his face.

"Wanna spar?" He asks as he reaches me.

I don't respond and continue wrapping my hands, which he takes as some kind of invitation to keep talking to me.

"Aw, come on! Let's fight." I roll my eyes at him and get up to go to the punching bag. "It'll be so much more fun with a moving target," he says trying to entice me.

He's not wrong, but his voice is so annoying I couldn't be bothered.

"Fuck off" I spit out at him and start hitting the bag again.

"Oh, I see. You're too scared to lose to me. Don't worry, Selena." He continues to egg me on settling on the other side of the bag to hold it still.

"I'll go easy on you," he leans in whispering as if its a secret.

"Come on!" He whines at me when I still ignore him. I continue hitting the bag and he is silent just for a minute, but then I internally groan when I see his eyes light up with an idea.

"Okay hear me out!" Rossi moves his body in from of the bag, forcing me to stop hitting it. "One fight. You win and I'll leave you alone-"

"Forever?" I ask hopefully.

He sighs in disappoint, shaking his head laughing at me. "Just for today. But if I win, we train together for the rest of the week."

I wince as he finishes the sentence. How was that a good offer?

"Oh, come on," he says like he knows what I'm thinking "You've been holed up under lock and key for who knows how long. A little training won't hurt you and don't forget that you still killed a lot of our men so you can't do anything unsupervised."

So that's why he's been down here with me for so long. I honestly feel a little bad for the dent I put in their numbers, but it's fight or flight. And my instinct most of the time is fight.

"Fine," I sigh realizing that he's never going to leave me in peace unless I give him one fight. We both step up onto the sparring mat after Rossi finishes wrapping his hands, taking his sweet time and whistling some stupid tune.

"You know I've been waiting to see what you can do since we found you in our warehouse," Rossi starts to circle the mat with me.

"Can we please just fight silently?" I roll my eyes at his foolishness as he fakes a jab at me.

I would be happy right now to spar with anyone, except for Rossi. His voice set my teeth on edge. I don't know how Adam or Felicity can stand being around him all the damn time. Felicity is too nice to say anything, but Rossi always follows her around whenever she's here. It's annoying.

"Fine," he huffs in disappointment as I try to get a hit on him, but he blocks me.

"It's way less fun this way, but if it'll help you focus..." He's still smiling as he lunges at me not giving me any room to dodge. We struggle for about ten minutes on the floor. Correction. I struggle.

I definitely underestimated Rossi's abilities, judging him based off of what I've seen from each of their men. I'm not a bad fighter, but I've definitely underestimated my opponent and now I'm paying for it. I try to gain any sort of advantage going for soft spots, while we are on the floor but he blocks every hit that he doesn't dodge. He doesn't even bother to land a hit on me and doesn't give me a chance to get on my feet for a slight advantage.

It's a one-sided fight and I'm obviously outmatched.

I finally tap out, refusing to give him any verbal acknowledgement of my defeat.

"This is going to be so much fun, training buddy" Rossi says breathless over me, white blonde hair dangling from his face with that stupid grin still there.

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