Chaper 60

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Betty's PoV

"She's beautiful Betty" He says looking at his granddaughter. "Here you go betts" "thanks sweets" I place the blanket over me and lili as I start to breast feed her. "Easy baby girl. Easy" "haha I swear all that kid does is eat" "shut up sweet pea, like you don't?" "Whatever..."

"Wait...are you two?" "Me and sweet? Ew god no. No offence sweets. He's like my brother Fp" "and she's like my sister. Besides I have a girlfriend or at least I think do. Apparently we're just fouling around..." he said looking down. I tell he's so upset "I bet if you call her and talk to her she'd say she didn't mean it, she just got scared and that she wishes she got take that conversation back"

jellybean said looking guilty. she the girl he's been seeing? Oh my god it is!

"So are you and Jug still together or...?" "Yes we're still together and stronger than ever. We're actually getting married" I say to Fp and hold my hand up, jelly beans gasps. "My son did good" "he sure did! Betty that's beautiful" "thanks! Oh god jug. He doesn't know" "you want me to do it?" Fp asked "thanks Fp but I think I better do it. If you do he might actually have a heart attack"

"where is he anyway?" "He's visiting mum" "she okay?" "I think so, unfortunately" I say and he looks at me wired. "Go call jughead I'll explain to dad" JB said as I stood up "here sweets can you burp her for me I really need to call Jug" "sure thing Cooper" I smile at him as I hand of my baby girl and place the blanket over his shoulder for him.

Now for the hard part. How am I gonna tell Jug that his dads still alive. Losing Fp nearly killed him and now I have to tell him he's alive? How am I gonna do this? I call his phone and it starts to ring.

"Hey betts" "Hi Jug, hows your mum?" "Pain in the ass but she's doing better she's back at home now" "that's great, that's really great Jughead" "Betty what's wrong?" " uh...jug you might want to sit down for this" "okay, what's wrong? Oh god is it lili?! Is she okay?!" "Yeh, yeah she's fine jughead don't worry but" "But what? Betts your scaring me" "I uh...I can't do this over the phone. You need to get back here, your mum can wait this is to important!" "Betty please just tell me what's going on?!" "Just get back here juggie. I need you. But listen we're all fine and safe just...please get back here" "I'm on my way"

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