I allowed the information to sink in, audibly gulping at his words. Karma had his eyes narrowed, but said nothing.

"Fortunately, they had no problem with it; thus, allowed for this to continue." He had his arms crossed. "It's crucial to keep this from the rest of your classmates. There are already too many people that know about him."

"But sir," said Hazama, this time speaking after Karasuma was done talking instead of interrupting like she did earlier. "Wouldn't it be beneficial if the entire class knew about this?" Her face was expressionless as she spoke. "It won't cause panic, our homeroom teacher is a demon too after all."

"Yes, you're absolutely right!" Said the octopus demon. "If everyone knew, then you'd all have a better chance at taking my life, and not just a few of you." He explained. "Though, I'm still not sure if the principle should be informed of this..."

Our blonde teacher replied, "I second that."

"It's not a bad idea. Using Karma in assassinations would be beneficial," said Nakamura. "If we use him, then we can kill Koro-Sensei before the time limit!"

I separated her from me and stepped away.

     "You can't be serious, right?" I stared at her incredulously. I felt all eyes on me, but I ignored it. "You're suggesting we use Karma," I said, looking over at my demon who had his jaw clenched. "Just because he's a demon, doesn't mean we could treat him as if he were one of our guns or knives..."

"Woah, Nagisa, that's not what I was trying to say."

"I'm not comfortable with being used for your own conveniences," Karma seethed, walking over to my side and putting his hand on my shoulder. "The only one I would allow to control me is Nagisa, and it's because of obvious reasons. I refuse to be anyone's puppet, and don't think that threatening me with your little toys will get me to submit to you."

"Oh no no no! Karma-kun, I didn't mean it like that!" My homeroom teacher shouted in a panicked tone. "I meant that you could join the rest of the class to try and kill me!"

"Little blonde princess here thinks you all can use me." Karma then changed into a cat, and snuggled in between my legs.

Nakamura frowned. "I don't mean use use you—"

"Well, whatever you guys are gonna do, we can taco 'bout it tomorrow. It's rainin' too hard and I gotta get going." Terasaka grabbed his bag and swung it over his shoulder, the rest of his gang doing the same. "Is that all, Teach?"

Karasuma nodded.

Koro-Sensei dismissed us; everyone—excluding Karma and I—packed up and left. Nakamura had apologized to my demon for suggesting that we should use him. I did not take her words too kindly, but I'm not one to hold grudges. Besides...it's not like she did anything wrong, she just worded her thoughts incorrectly.

Koro-Sensei, Bitch-Sensei, and Karasuma are the only ones here aside from my demon and I. Bitch-Sensei was discussing something with Karasuma, and Koro-Sensei was trying to pet Karma.

I laughed nervously when Karma hissed and tried clawing at my teacher's tentacles.

"He's so annoying!" Karma shouted through telepathy. "I want to burn him down so bad."

A knock. I turned to where the sound was created and almost choked on my own spit. Dad was there, leaning against the door, out of breath while holding two umbrellas. "N—Nagisa...I'm here—oh god...that mountain...how can you climb that thing everyday and still be alive?!"

I felt myself go pale. Though, I underestimate my demon teacher, for in less than two seconds, he was able to change into his (horrible) disguise and be undetected by my dad...who had just finished catching his breath and is now trying to steady himself. I guess hiking up a mountain isn't for everyone.

     "Hey dad—are you okay?" Was the first thing I said, watching as he retrieved his balance.

Karasuma-Sensei was already beside my dad while Bitch-Sensei walked towards me. "Does he know about—y'know...him?" She half-whispered while pointing at the red kitty hiding behind my legs. I shook my head. And now that I think about it, dad probably thinks Karma is at home.

"No," Karma growled, his voice echoing inside my head. "I see that face; you're thinking about something stupid."

    "I mean...it could work." I made sure I was speaking through our mind-link, unzipping my school bag and moving some items aside. "Your feline body is quite small; you can fit easily if I—"

"No way."

I mentally groaned, which did not go unnoticed by the demon. "If you so much as think about putting me inside that bag, I'll stab you in your sleep. I have a dagger."

The blonde teacher sighed. "He doesn't know, huh. That's both good and bad..."

I nodded.

"Oh I'm okay, I'm just winded." Dad chuckled while rubbing the back of his head as he addressed Professor Karasuma. Then, he turned to me. He didn't notice Karma. "I'm sorry I'm late. Traffic was terrible..."

     "Yeah..." I trailed off. "Are you sure you're okay...?" I put my bag on the floor, keeping my eyes on dad. "You don't look okay."

     "Get in," I said.

"No way in hell."

     "Karma, he can't see you. You need to get in now." I glared down at my feet, where Karma was returning the glare, his eyes penetrating my soul. For a moment, I had forgotten about dad. I quickly looked up, and watched as he cocked his head to the side in confusion and went to look where I was previously glaring at. Crap!

"Oh, you must be Nagisa-kun's father!" Koro-Sensei exclaimed, 'walking' towards dad and shaking his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Koro-Sensei, your son's homeroom teacher. Actually, I must have a word with you, care to join me in my office?"

Dad's frown of confusion deepened, but he willed himself to smile and nod at my homeroom teacher. "Excellent! Please, follow me."

"Um, sure." Dad followed the octopus-demon in disguise out of the classroom.

Once the door closed shut, both Professor Bitch and I released a sigh of relief. Karasuma only pinched his nose. Immediately, I bent down, knees on the floor. "You need to get in now."

"And what makes you think I'll do as you say?"

"Please," I said, trying my best to put on a pleading face. Though, I am not keen on submitting to other people, however, if I must...then I will. "I'll make it up to you later on, so get in. Dad mustn't see you."

A hand landed on my shoulder. "Bargaining with a demon has its downside, I don't suggest going through with it. We can find another way to deal with this situation."

He isn't telling me not to do it...meaning that he'll respect my decision regardless of what it is. I admire that. With a smile, I denied his offer. "I appreciate your concern, but I got this."

I hope...

"Very well." With that, I no longer felt his presence nearby. Professor Bitch had moved away as well, probably to join Karasuma in whatever he went to do.

I locked my eyes on the cats', narrowing them. "What do you say then?"

He sat down, swinging his tail from side to side. "How will you make it up to me? What can you give me that's worth getting crushed for?"

"Anything." I didn't give myself time to think about what to answer, I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. I am sure to regret this later on, and knowing him—actually, I don't know him as well, which means I have no idea what he'll make me do...

What have I gotten myself into?

Karma didn't respond immediately, in fact, he didn't respond at all. He only stood up, cat-walked to my bag, and crawled inside.

Oh geez, I'm screwed.

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