
I woke up probably looking like death, in my previous nights dress, make up on my face, looking like a clown who was rained on, my hair sticking in all ends.
I cracked my neck side to side and felt my head hammering away.
I groaned and staggered to the bathroom, took my medicine kit, popped some two tablets of Advil in my mouth and pushed it down with a glass of water.

I wasn't really suprised when i saw myself on the mirror. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, brushed my teeth before pulling down my dress and getting in the tub with hot water.
I groaned when the hot water met my tense muscles.
Enna ran in with nothing but her panties, smiling at me, "momny, can i join you?"
I put on a small smile and nodded, "come here, my little pumpkin."
She giggled and tried getting in the tub. I placed my hands just below her pits and carried her in.

I sat her on my lap, facing me.
She looked at my blood shot eyes and frowned, her eyes glassy "mommy, are you sure you're okay? Why are you crying? Is it me? Am i bad? Mommy I'm sorry for being bad."
I pulled her closer to me, not wanting her to see me cry, i held her face with my hands, "no baby, it's not you. Do you understand? You're a good girl, do you understand?Someone just made mommy sad. Don't cry baby."
I hugged her as she sobbed lightly in my chest. She pushed me away again, "is it daddy Alex?"
My eyes were wide, "No baby, it's not him," i tried to tell her.
"No, it was him. He made you cry. I heard him shouting at you," her eyes were wet again. "He made you cry mommy, he's a meanie. I don't want him to be my daddy anymore."
"No baby, don't say that," i told her. But she just huffed and crossed her small hands over her chest.

I smiled alittle, my heart soaring for my baby.
I made more bubbles on the water to lighten the mood, "yeiy bubbles!" she smiled and focused on thr mission to pop all of the bubbles.
   After minutes of popping all the bubbles, i got us out of the water and  got us into clean sweats. I let my hair go wild with the curls and Enna wanted to be just like her momma, so her hair was all over the place too, just tamed.
   And that's how i spent my week, crying, eating chocolate and drinking wine, playing with my baby and having sleepless nights.

"Let's go Enna or you're not seeing Mase again," i took the keys of my car, the only one i decided not to let go. Yes. Today i sold my cars, leaving me with my Audi. It's the only one i couldn't get myself to let go.
Don't ask why.
To mantain the life i live. I neef money. And since i gave away my hotel to that asshole, life won't be so easy with the cafe being my only source of income after a couple of months, maybe years. But you get the point.
Enna squeeled, running my way with her shoes in her hands, her jacket hanging from one side, not fully worn, her socks half worn, her hair, still wild. I laughed anf bent down to make her tidy. Scar came out after het with her purse and trench coat in hand, chuckling.
"Enna, don't run around with socks  you'll fall down and hurt yourself," i scolded her.
She smiled cheekily at me, "and mommy, don't run around with socks either, you'll fall and hurt yourself."
I pulled her and flicked her nose painlessly, "making fun of me, huh?"
"I just want to make you smile mommy. I don't like it when you're sad," she sulked.
I smiled slightly and kissed her all over the face as we got into the car.
     Before telling Abby we'd be joining them for dinner, i made sure that Alessandro won't be there. I never wanted to see him again. At least not until he apologised. Which i know he wouldn't.

    "So Gia... Honey, where are you sick? Enna is concerned as all of us, you know you're like family," Abby served us the vegies.
    My eyes locked with the one pair of eyes i wasn't expecting to see and glared, i spat sarcastically, "you know Abby, having the time of my life."
I looked away, but still felt his eyes burning through my head as i took a long sip from my wine.
"More wine please," i asked Nathan to pass me the bottle and i poured myself some.
"Gianna, i had no idea you sold your hotel. It was only when i was passing around the area and noticed the building had another name. And i know how much you worked hard for it. When did did this happen?" Louis asked, you could see concern brewing in his eyes.
I gulped visibly, the pain of my hard work still crushing me, "technically i didn't. Sell it, i mean."
The table was now quiet. Too quiet for my liking, all eyes on me.
I took a deep breath and chugged my wine. Scar put her hand over mine and squeezed to show support.
I nodded at her, looking back at Louis, i said, "Friday night. Enna's father, bioligical father showed up. It was either the hotel or Enna. I would give up my life for her, anytime, any day."
With a last glance at Alessandro, i pulled my chair back and excused myself before i started tearing up in front of them and embarass myself.
I wiped the tears away walking to the room Enna and Mason were still playing.
"Gia wait...," i heard the one voice i dreaded.
"What do you want De Lucca?" i snapped not looking back at him.
"I just wanted to.. "
I turned around to face him and cut him off, " i forgive you. And i am begging you not to talk to me again. It was better when we were not in speaking terms."
I wiped the last tear and continued walking down to the kids.

(Run to you - Lea Michele)

Hey you guys....
I know this chapter is low key..
I swear i was in tears thinking about it.  Hope it will move you, like it moved me...
I love you guys...
Almost 1000 reads....  I appreciate y'all faithful cupcake lovers.

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