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"Shall we?" he smirked.
"Right," i closed the door carrying Enna in my arms as we walked to his car.
The moment i opened the back seat door, Mason thought it was fun to jump on me, rather us.
"Mommy," he screamed as he wrapped his small hands around me and Enna.
Enna giggled as she sat next to him as i put on her seat belt.
Mason was stubborn saying big boys don't need seatbelts, they can take care of themselves, like his daddy.
I glared at Alex who looked away from my scorching gaze.
I decided to trick him. I told him that if he didn't put the seat belt on, neither Enna nor i would go with them and he would not see Enna for a week. Enna had to plead with him too, so he did pouting, still on the big boy thing.
I got on the front seat and Alex drove off to i don't know where.
Which reminds me...
"Where are we going?" i asked him for the fiftieth time.
He groaned, "can you just keep quiet... You're annoying."
I scoffed, "well thank you very much De Lucca, i would like to know where you are taking us to kill us."
He rolled his eyes and i silently wished that they popped out so we would learn not to roll his eyes at me, "do you think I'm that stupid?"
"Well I've heard of psycho cases. So I'm not surprised," i said and looked out of the window.
"For what it's worth, it will be a fast death" he chuckled darkly.
I acted all terrified, telling him to let us out or I'll chop off his balls.
"What balls are you talking about mommy? Daddy doesn't have balls in the car unless we are going to the park," Mason frowned.
"Of course he doesn't," i scoffed and played a sly smile on my lips facing Alex.
He was glaring at me. Then he cleared his throat, "Mase, daddy has some pretty big balls. But you can't play with them."
Mason whined, "why not? I'm bored. Enna is bored. Please let us play with your balls."
Enna joined him, "please daddy Alex. Please let us play with your balls. I can call you daddy, right?"

I froze in my seat.
Alex froze in his seat.
What is wrong with these kids?

He cleared his throat, "why don't you ask your mommy that?"
I glared at him.
"Yes baby?" i turned my head to her.
"Mommy, can i call daddy Alex, daddy?" she asked sweetly.
I nodded my head after a silent battle in my head.
She grinned, you could see the teeth that were still popping out of her gums.

Then they both turned to Alex in a swift, both of them putting their puppy dog faces.

I see trouble.


I had to take my phone out and savour this moment for a loong time.
I switched my camera to record.
They both started singing Alex name... Well they both sang, 'daddy' until the time he answered.
"Can we play with your balls?" they asked at the same time.

Well, shit.

I was really trying hard not to laugh and hold my phone still.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Alex glared at me and whisper yelled.
"Savouring the moment," i shrugged, smiling widely.

"Alex don't be mean, give the kids what they want," i told him loud enough for the kids to hear.
"Yea mommy, tell daddy. He's selfish," they pouted, and they were on the verge of tears.
I was almost cracking up.

" Don't cry," he looked worried and annoyed that they will start crying.
"Then give us your balls," they said angrily and crossed their arms across their chests.
"I can't. Those balls are for mommy to play with," he said almost stammering, his ears red but he couldn't hide the small smirk on his face.

Not good.
Not good.
I wanted to kill him when i saw they turned to me hopefully.
"Mommy you're not selfish with daddys balls, are you?" Enna asked.

Fuck me.

I smiled at them, "no baby, I'm not selfish."
They smiled brightly, "then you're going to give us the balls."
Alex was chuckling, happy with my suffering.
I checked in my back and found two packets of m&ms. I took them out.
I put on a sad face, "I'm sorry guys i forgot daddy's balls at home. But i have sweets?!"
They frowned but returned their smiles when they saw the m&ms in my hands.

"So you forgive me for forgetting daddy's balls, and take the sweets?!" i asked, crossing my fingers that they will accept.
They nodded their heads vigorously and held their hands out to me, "M&Ms" they kept singing as they ate, saying i was the best mommy in the whole world.

I faced forward and rested my head on the head rest.
Alex mouthed, "thank you."
I assumed i didn't see, "what was that? I didn't quite hear you."
He groaned and said thank you.
I nodded in response then kept humming to the song on the radio.

"We are headed to Chuck E Cheese, Mason loves that place. I'm sure Enna will too," he said after a while.
I smiled slightly at the reassurance, "thank you."
He nodded and continued to drive in the beautiful sunset.
I turned to the kids in the backseat and smiled slightly, "they are knocked out."
He chuckled lightly, "of course they are, we've been driving for almost an hour."
We were silent again as i replayed the ten minutes of my ribache and i smiled.
"What are you smiling about? Remembering your boyfriend?" Alex stole a glance, bringing me back.
Now i laughed out loud, "oh, you know. I'm just thinking of how selfish you can get with your balls that you can't let the kids play with them."
He glared at me.
I laughed again, this time i touched his bicep, "you have to admit it was so funny."
He smiled slightly, "maybe a little."
I laughed again, holding my burning ribs, "come on, it was beyond hilarious."
He laughed with me this time, "okay maybe, it was alittle bit more than just alittle."
I shaked my head, "by the way, if that was your way to ask if i have a boyfriend. Then yes."
Everything was quiet again for a minute before he said, "i figured you'd be with Enna's father."
I rolled my eyes, "of course you did."
"Then what are you doing here with me?" he asked out of the blues.
"Maybe i want to have another guy on the sidelines," i shrugged.
He gripped the steering wheel tight, his knuckles were turning white. I was almost afraid the steering wheel would snap, he gritted his teeth, "so he is okay with you being in a car with some other man going to a place you don't even know."
"Chuck E Cheese is where we're going, right?" i tried to joke.
I rolled my eyes, "Come on. Take a chill pill. Do you honestly think that if i had a man, he'd let me go out with another man? Date or not."
His shoulders slumped down, and he was trying to clarify "so you don't have a boyfriend?!"
I shaked my head no, "No, i don't have a boyfriend. Its been me and Enna since i could remember."
He grinned slightly, "thats good then."
"What is that supposed to mean?"

Wasuuuh dawgs.. 😂😂😂😂😂
I didn't even think of writing shit like this... But i really like this chapter... Hope you do to...
Have a good day today...

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