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            “Master, Hades demands immediate audience with you.”

            Sebastian’s words gave Simeon a start. How long had he sat there staring into the fireplace lost in thoughts of Lucy?


            “I heard you.” Simeon rose from his chair and stretched his arms over his head. “Did Hades say what he wanted?”

            “Only that he wanted to speak to you about your son.”

            Simeon smiled. The old man probably just wanted to congratulate him and make sure he brought the child to Hell as soon as he could for a proper introduction. For all intents and purposes, this child was his grandson.

            With Sebastian at his side, the two of them vanished from Simeon’s study. Moments later they reappeared in the castle of Hades. The formidable god of the underworld sat at his throne. Upon their appearance, he waved his hand and two chairs materialized in front of him. Knowing what was expected, both men sat before him.

            “Forgive my haste in calling you here, but there’s no time to spare,” Hades said.

            “What is it, Father?” Simeon asked.

            “The Holy Servant moves toward your son as we speak.”

            Simeon drew in a sharp breath. There were few things he feared, but this creature of light was at the top of his list. The archangel had but one purpose, to extinguish all children of Satan until none were left.

            “How could he have already been alerted to this birth?” Sebastian asked.

            “His mother was no doubt forced to reveal his origin in order to secure her place in the kingdom of Heaven,” Hades explained.

            “Then we’ll have to kill him before he can get to the baby.” 

            “You can’t do that.”

            “Why not?” Simeon and Sebastian demanded in unison.

            “To do something so extreme to protect one child will tip the Lord off as to his true identity and will ensure an invasion of archangels all set to one purpose, destroy this the last of your sons.”

            Simeon didn’t ask how Hades could know he’d reached that decision. Hades was all knowing and had no doubt seen the revelation in his heart.

            “What must be done?” Simeon asked.

            “You must fulfill the prophecy,” Hades answered.

            “Tell me how.”

            “The prophecy tells you how.”

            Simeon closed his eyes and called upon the words of the prophecy.

            ‘And of the many children born to the morning star, a son, born on the first minute of the last day of the year nineteen-ninety-four will be his most revered. For this son, the chosen one, will be the one who shall rule on Earth when Lucifer returns to Hell, but he shall not rule alone.

Another, split from his seed, shall rule alongside him. And they shall be called Sinister and Dexter, the right and left hands of their father, the devil.’

In the Beginning-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat