Chapter Five

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: marieannn


            He was actually nervous. Simeon couldn’t recall the last time he’d been nervous, least of all when it came to matters dealing with the opposite sex. Things were different with Lucy, the first and only woman to control his destiny. At times, he entertained the idea that he’d fallen for her only because of the prophecy, but he was always quick to dismiss the idea.

            Even without the prophecy, he would’ve been taken with her. Setting aside how beautiful she was, there was a soft innocence about her that he found appealing. All the other women he’d been with, especially the creatures of Hell, were forceful and demanding. Not to mention expectant. They gave themselves to him not simply because he ordered it but because they hoped it would earn them favor. For the first time, he didn’t have to worry about that, and it was refreshing.

            A knock on his bedroom door roused him from his thoughts.


            Sebastian pushed the door open. “The vomiting girl is at the front gate asking to be let in.”

            “Don’t call her that. I expect you to be nice and make her feel welcome.”

            “Does that mean you want me to let her in?”

            “No, I’ll do it.”

            “Then why order me to be nice?”      

            “To be clear, that’s a standing order.”

            “You’re no fun.”

            “Remember that the next time you’re tempted to disobey my orders.”

            “I resent that. I never disobey your orders.”

            That was true. Despite his somewhat petulant attitude, Sebastian proved himself loyal time and time again.

            “See that it stays that way,” Simeon suggested and vanished from the room.

            When he materialized just the other side of the security gate, he made sure Lucy didn’t see him do it. It wasn’t until the gate slid open that she turned her head in his direction.

            “You didn’t have to walk all the way down here,” she said as she stepped out of the car. “I could’ve driven up there to get you.”

            “It wasn’t any trouble. Besides, I can always use the exercise.”

            Please! Lucy thought as her eyebrows shot up. You’ve got the body of a Greek god.

            Simeon grinned at her as she came around to his side of the car, both at her thoughts and the way she opened the door for him. “Thank you.”

            “No problem.”

            She waited until he was inside the car with his seatbelt fastened before she closed the door. Although a bit unconventional, he had to admit he liked having her take charge. With any luck, this was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to taking charge.

            An image of her astride him suddenly flashed behind his eyes. It was an image so powerful and so breathtaking he was forced to suppress an audible groan. As tantalizing as the image was, it was a bit painful as well. The day that she belonged to him in every sense of the word was drawing closer, but it still wasn’t close enough. He wanted her now.

In the Beginning-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें