Chapter Twelve

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            “There’s something I’ve been wondering.”

            Simeon did his best to hide his smirk. In the last week she’d lived with him, Lucy often opened many a conversation in this manner. The things she was wondering were never casual. For some reason, perhaps because she thought living with him entitled her to the right to know, she’d been pressing him for more information about himself.

            Though it was difficult, he did his best to answer her questions with honesty. However, there were some things he had no choice but to keep from her. Admitting the real number of women he’d been sexually active with, for instance, would’ve not only caused hurt feelings but it would’ve taken a significant amount of explaining.

            “What were you wondering?”

            “What’s the deal with you and Sebastian?”

            Simeon drew his eyebrows together. “I’m not sure I understand the question.”

            “How come he lives here with you? Like, how did you guys meet?”

            “Sebastian worked with my father, and when my father kicked me out, Sebastian came with me to assist me in starting my business.”

            The answer was an over simplified version of the truth, but it was the best explanation he could offer at the moment. If Lucy knew who he was and would be willing to accept it, he could’ve told her everything she wanted to know, but could he take the chance?

            Maybe he could. Lucy didn’t go to church, which implied she might be open to the possibility of permanently turning her back on Christianity. Perhaps there was a chance her love for him would be enough to convince her that the devil wasn’t as bad as everyone thought.

            “You know, there’s something I’ve been wondering about you,” Simeon began.

            Lucy smiled. “What’s that?”

            “Why don’t you attend church any longer?”

            “Does it bother you?”

            “No, I’m just curious as to your reasons.”

            Lucy’s smile faded and she bit down on her lower lip. “I’ve been kind of mad at God for a while.”

            “You mean because of the loss of your family?”

            “Yeah, it was the worst thing ever. First, my parents died and then less than a year later my brother died, and he was all I had left.”

            Simeon drew her into his arms. “I know it’s not the same thing, but you have me now, and soon you’ll have our child.”

            “It’s not the same thing, but it’s still a good thing.”

            “So, do you think you’ll ever consider forgiving God?”

            “I don’t know, maybe someday. What about you?”

            “What about me?”

            “Why don’t you go to church?”

            For a moment he contemplated making a sarcastic remark about how he’d burst into flames if he did, but he thought the better of it. Now wasn’t the time to let her in on that truth.

In the Beginning-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora