Chapter Seven

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            “Okay, I was wrong before.”

            Having known Michelle for so long, Lucy had the feeling she was walking into a trap. She took the bait anyway.

            “What were you wrong about?”

            “That is your I-just-got-laid look.”

            Lucy’s face heated up in response to the good natured accusation, but she couldn’t deny it. When Simeon told her it was only the beginning, she thought he meant something silly like the beginning of the rest of their lives. After spending the rest of the night making love, at times sweet and slow and at times hard and nasty, she realized he meant their first time was only the beginning of the rest of their night.

            Simeon lived up to both his promise and her expectations of him as a lover. Besides having an amazing hard body that no doubt came from hours of weight training, the man had an amazingly huge dick and he knew how to use it. That wasn’t to disrespect his mouth with its expert tongue. Never before had she allowed a man to drop his head between her legs and do those kinds of things with his tongue, but he’d done it and done it so well it was making her wet just thinking about it.

            “Maybe you should sit down,” Michelle’s voice interrupted her delicious memories.

            Lucy frowned at her. “Why?”

            Michelle gave her a knowing smile. “No reason.”

            “Yeah, whatever.”

            “Look, just tell me one thing now and then we can drop it.”

            “I don’t know. That depends on what you want to know.”

            “I just want to know how he was,” Michelle said, and the blush returned to Lucy’s cheeks. “That good, huh?”

            “Better,” Lucy murmured, and her friend giggled.

            “You dirty slut.”

            “Keep your voice down or the kids will hear you.”

            “Please, these kids don’t give a shit about what I have to say.”

            “Fine, then keep your voice down because you’re embarrassing me.”

            “Okay, that I can do but that doesn’t mean I won’t expect more details later.”

            “What happened to one question and you’d drop it?”

            “I lied,” Michelle said with a sweet smile. “Of course, I might be persuaded to drop it if you do me a really huge favor.”

            “He doesn’t have any hot brothers or cousins if you’re gonna ask me to fix you up.”

            “You bitch,” Michelle cried, but she followed it up with a giggle. “I was actually going to ask you to bring him to the carnival on Friday so I can meet him.”

            Lucy frowned. She hadn’t even thought of inviting him to the school’s summer carnival. Even though she knew he’d accept the invitation, she wasn’t sure it would be for the right reasons. Simeon didn’t like children. He’d never admitted it, but that dark look on his face that day they’d gone on the picnic in the park spoke loud and clear.

In the Beginning-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora