Chapter 20 ~ It Begins

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   Damn it! I thought to myself. The otter that died earlier began to creep back into my mind. They looked so much like Ash. Gamma... they were never even bur— No! I can't let my mind drift there.

   Not now. Not ever.

   Rouge's deep purple wings expanded, and with a large flap, she's off the ground. Rouge flies high up above the crowds of robots. Then, all a sudden, Rouge drops down on them, firing her pistols as she fell from the sky. Few remained. Those who did were still standing were kicked off the side of the highway by her strong legs. The robots fell several hundred feet then vanish through the clouds.

   I blinked. Impressed. For someone who seemed to be such a "girly girl" Rouge can handle herself well.

   "What?" she asks simply. Staring at me as I gawked at her.

   I shook my head, clearing my head. We kept moving forward, bringing my walk to a run. Rouge follows by my side easily, grabbing new magazines from her belt to load into her handguns as she ran.

   Behind her, I saw a big blur of grey and orange spinning right in our direction. I quickly snatch her hand and leap forward. We hit against the road. My jump having pushed us almost a dozen feet forward. I hear screams, a loud crash and metal screeching.

   Rouge and I quickly turn onto our backs. We see the remains of the burning helicopter tear through a large chunk of the highway, taking the rest of our team down with it.

   Rouge looks at me. Even she looked shocked by what happened. A moment passes of stun that our platoon was just annihilated. I look at my hand, the one that had grabbed Rouge's to pull her out of the way. I wished that I could been able to warn those people. But I couldn't. I didn't make a sound, and I didn't even try.

   Rouge slowly got up. She holds out her hand to me, eyes grateful. "Thanks, and all. But we need to keep moving."

   I take her hand. Rouge pulls me to my feet. After that, we had no choice but the press on after the mass death that just occurred.

   "If we capture Eggman, it's game over." Knuckles says over the comms.

   Capture. Something about that word didn't sit well with me... Capture, after everything that Robotnik has done? To the world? Sonic? Me?

   It even seemed like Robotnik had a played a role in Infinite's uprising too. Or is it a downfall? I don't know, and I don't care. If I find Ivo Robotnik first, he will not be taken in alive.

   I glance at the dog tags tied to the scope of my gun. I had gotten my dog tags replaced a while ago, but I haven't exactly worn them, because of my phobia of things around my neck. They shimmer in the early morning sunlight.

   "Ready?" I hear Rouge ask.

   With a quick check of my ammo, Rouge and I nod at each other. We move out from the hidden area of the doorway, then walk inside the white building.

   Rouge covers right while I go left. My eyes scan the level. Glass windows replaced the walls. They were all cracked, some shattered completely. Other than some furniture that was becoming worn, and some damaged from war, the level was empty. The power was cut off months ago at least, and the floor was somewhat dark.

   "Clear," Rouge says. I turn to her, lowering my gun, giving her thumbs up.

   It was just me and her now, our assigned squad had been killed off. We had been fighting without them for almost ten minutes now. All comms has been eerily quiet. It really made me feel isolated. It was too similar to when I had fought in the city... Complete isolation, no one to call, nobody to help, just you.

Who I Am (Infinite x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz