Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Although class should mean a distraction from the idea of Liam and Danielle together, I shared my next class with them. Maybe I should transfer to a different class. I need some time away from them.

I quickly said goodbye to everyone before scurrying off to class. I need to get a good seat far away from where Liam and his bimbo usually sit.

Once I was safely in class, in the back corner next to the window, and students were surrounding me, I felt confident that I would be able to ignore the way Danielle was clutching onto Liam for dear life.

I couldn't even see them from where I was sitting, maybe I could really pay attention in class and forget that they're even in the same room as me.

Soon the teacher started speaking and my mind was preoccupied by the useless information being drilled into my brain. Until the class was informed that we would be assigned a partner for the next assignment.

I internally groaned at the fact that I would have to work with another student, probably one I didn't know or didn't like, and my day got even worse when I found out who my partner was.

"Emma Burns, your partner is Liam Coleman."

Why does this happen to me? Is the world out to get me or something?

I didn't bother getting up to sit with Liam. He could come sit over here to do the assignment, I'm sure he can go a class without Danielle by his side.

We engaged in a stare off for a minute to determine who had to move, and eventually Liam broke and came over to my desk.

"It seems like the world just keeps throwing us together. Maybe it's a sign." He joked as he pulled up a chair and sat down beside me.

I rolled my eyes, "Every time we get thrown together it's for something awful, like the gang stuff or in this case, advanced English. That probably is a sign that bad things happen when we're in the same place."

He looked taken aback by my comment, but quickly masked it with his usual emotionless facade.

"So what's the assignment?" He asked, changing the subject.

I rolled my eyes again and pointed to the chalk board, which had the assignment written out on it.

We had to answer questions about a scene in a Shakespeare play that were assigned, and act it out for the class.

"Oh." Liam muttered when he saw that the assignment was on the board.

"Which play do you think we're going to get a scene from?" He asked. Why is he trying so hard to make conversation with me? I'd be completely content sitting here in silence until the teacher came by to give us our scene.

"Macbeth maybe, that could be cool." I replied, trying to make my face as impassive as his. Then he'd know what it felt like to talk to a brick wall.

Before he could say anything else, the teacher walked up to my desk and placed our scene in front of us.

Romeo and Juliet.

Act One, Scene Five.

I looked the script over and saw that it wasn't the whole scene, only when Romeo and Juliet meet. They talk about kissing in this scene, and kiss twice. That's ironic.

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