
After all the cars had gotten back to Shiro's mansion safely, people began getting out and checking for everyone else. Many people had ended up in different cars in the frenzy of their escape.

Hunk nearly tackled Pidge and Matt once he laid eyes on them. It was almost like watching a bowling ball plow over a pair of bowling pins as he hugged them both.

Lance hugged Keith close to himself after the two stepped out.

" Stop..." Keith pulled away from him somewhat. " Shiro is going to see..."

" I don't care." Lance mumbled, not budging.

Keith deadpanned, and the taller boy was already plotting how to get revenge on Lotor. Though Keith wasn't some sort of damsel in distress, it still infuriated Lance that someone other than himself had laid a hand on him. Let alone slapped him and tied him up.

By Shiro's car, he helped the man, now known as Adam, out. Did he trust that he wouldn't try anything funny? Not quite. But was he aware that he'd need medical attention? Definitely.

" Why are you doing this?" Adam asked with narrowed eyes. This was Shiro. This was the man Lotor had done nothing but defame for as long as Adam had known him. How was he supposed to trust someone like that? Even if Lotor wasn't any better, he'd made Shiro out to be some sort of monster. But... why would a monster spare someone like that? What was the catch?

" Listen, I don't know what Lotor told you..." Shiro sighed, still keeping a hand on his bicep. " But someone has to help you with this."

Going to the hospital was out of the question. Once a gunshot wound was involved, so were the police, and the last thing anyone needed was for them to come sniffing around.

Adam grit his teeth.

" Don't think this makes us friends." He muttered.

" You can hate me all you want." Shiro somehow managed to smile with his scraped up face. " But for right now, you need to let our people treat you."

What other choice did he have? Shiro had taken him, and clearly the members of his own gang hadn't been interested in patching him up. After all, Adam was just a techy. He was expendable.

" So who is this?" Thace came up to Shiro, gesturing to Adam.

" Oh, this reality." Slav slyly said while looking between Shiro and Adam.

" Get a couple people to help you treat his injuries." Shiro told him. " I'm going to talk to my brother." He strolled off.

Lance let Keith slip out of his arms once he saw Shiro coming around the side of the car. Okay. Maybe he cared a little.

Keith turned over his shoulder. His emotions were a jumbled mess, and he couldn't decide whether to punch Shiro or to hug him.

He scowled, folding his arms. Shiro ignored his younger brother's attitude while hugging him.

" You don't get to be mad at me." The older brother whispered.

" The hell I don't. People could've died, Shiro! Don't you get that?!" Keith had wide, beading eyes while staring up at him. " I'm not worth all that!"

" You would've died for sure... but now nobody is dead. You can't expect me not to save you, Keith. You're my brother. Dad made me promise to look after you, and I'm not going to sully his memory by breaking it." Shiro had tears in his eyes while keeping his arms wrapped around him.

Keith slowly sank into it, giving in and hugging him back. Shiro would always bail his ass out. Always. He would've been dumb to think that it would ever change.

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