"I know Babe I know." Namjoon cooed. He had decided that if this was hurting his baby that he wouldn't use toys because he's a softie for his boyfriend, so he took Jin's cock ring off. Jin sighed as it was being pulled off.

"I'm going to move." Namjoon warned. So he thrusted in and out of Jin's hole at an inhuman speed. "D-daddy I'm-I'm going to cu-cum~" Jin could barely say between moans.

"Come with me baby boy." So they came together, and Namjoon flopped down on the bed next to Jin.

After a few minutes of heavy breathing Namjoon got out of bed and went into their bathroom and started the bathtub. He dropped a blue and green, mint scented bath bomb into the water. Then went back into their room and saw Jin laying on the bed facing the bathroom with a pout on his face because Namjoon left for a few minutes. When he got to the bed he picked Jin up bridal style and brought him into the bathroom.

Jin gasped at the colorful bath water, he loved being pampered, or just being treated like a prince as Namjoon calls him. He hugged Namjoon, "Thank you." He smiled. Who knew he would get so excited about a bath with a bath bomb.

Namjoon places Jin in the water that was not too hot but not just warm. Then he climbed in behind Jin and sat with Jin between his legs. They then started to wash their hair and bodies after a few minutes of just sitting in the water in each other's arms. Namjoon pumped some pink, peach scented shampoo into his hand and lathered it up and put it into Jin's hair, slowly running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. Jin sighed softly, he loves when his boyfriend plays with his hair or anything related to Namjoon touching his hair.

Namjoon also ended up putting conditioner into Jin's hair as well and slowly combing his fingers through Jin's slightly tangled hair to get some knots out. Jin ended up doing the same for Namjoon.

When they got out Jin used his favorite fluffy pink towel, and Namjoon used a blue and black striped fluffy towel. They had drawers of pajamas in the bathroom but Jin decided to wear one of Namjoon's oversized shirts with his panties.

They left the bathroom once both of them were dressed and had brushed their teeth and gotten ready for bed.

Once Jin laid down he could barely keep his eyes open. "Night night I love you." Jin mumbled to Namjoon. Namjoon kissed Jin's forehead and whispered goodnight and I love you to Jin.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

About a month and three weeks later...

Jin was at his job which was surprisingly an English high school teacher. Considering how soft his is but he can get mad and slightly raise his voice but his students are well behaved because his class is never boring so they don't have reasons to act out.

Namjoon also works in the school, he is a math teacher. But recording songs with his friends Hoseok and Yoongi is something they do sometimes at night and during the weekends. A lot of Namjoon's students know him from his songs and listen to him. Most teenagers would think its cringe if their teacher raps about math but his students think it's cool because they learn stuff and he makes the best songs so it's awesome for them.

Anyway, Jin hadn't been feeling his best the past week but he shrugged it off as allergies. But today was different. The kids were just dismissed from his class for lunch but in less than 30 minutes they would be coming back to his class. (Thats is how lunch works for me on A days and B days at my school, it's different for everybody but that's what my lunch is like every day.)  He was eating his lunch that he didn't want to eat because he wasn't feeling well but he knew he had to eat. 

The bell went off meaning that lunch was over and the kids were coming back. "Hello Mr.Kim!" One student greeted him as he walked through the door. "Hi, Jae." Jin smiled or tried to. The bell rang after everyone was in the class as the late bell. His students were pretty good about not being late to his class.

"Alright Everyone start working on what you didn't finish before lunch if you haven't finished and if you have you may listen to music and be on your phone  you can also talk to the people around you just please down be loud."

Jin started to feel nauseous so he wrote a note.

          I don't feel well right now and if you get this note that means that I'm probably throwing up because I feel very nauseous. Please don't freak out I'm going to go to the doctor as soon as in can. Please come down and watch my class. I know you don't have a class right now. And yes I know your reading this right now Jae you nosey booger.

"Jae, come up here please, like now." Jin said. Jae immediately arrived at his desk. "Yes?"

"Please give this note to Mr. Kim the math teacher upstairs. I need to leave. Thank you."

"Everyone! I have to leave please behave Mr. Kim from upstairs is coming to watch you guys." Jin said and ran out of the class room and into the bathroom. By the time he got to the bathroom he was about to throw up and barely made it to the toilet. He felt his pocket vibrate indicating that he got a text.

Daddy😍: Babe are you okay?

Babyboy💞: I mean I just threw up

Daddy😍: your going to the doctor right?

Babyboy💞: No I already know|

Babyboy:💞 No I already|

Babyboy💞: No I|

Babyboy💞: No|

Babyboy💞: Yes

Daddy😍: good

Jin told the people at the main office that he was going home because he threw up. He went home but in his way home he stopped at the pharmacy to pick up pregnancy tests. He knew that he was probably pregnant so he decided to buy some tests.

When he got home he tested.

All three were positive, Jin was on his bed crying because he was so happy, he and Namjoon have been wanting kids.

About three hours later Jin heard the front door open and Namjoon putting his stuff down. Jin immediately sat up and ran down the stairs, he knows that not that he is pregnant he should mint run but he wanted to get down the stairs so bad.

Once he saw Namjoon he ran up to him and hugged him, Jin then started crying because of the great news he had. "Oh baby why are you crying?" Namjoon turned around because Jin was back hugging him. Jin held onto Namjoon just crying of joy. "Joonie I-I'm pregnant! We ar-are going to have a baby!" Jin cried into Namjoon's shoulder. Namjoon's mouth was wide open. "Are you serious?!"

Jin nodded. Namjoon picked Jin up and twirled around. "Babe! That's awesome! We are going to be parents!" Namjoon's eyes started to water. "I love you!" Namjoon kissed Jin, with love nothing other than love. "We love you too." Jin smiled.


I love everyone❤️

Q: Do you have to do science fair
A: yes I'm doing it now I'm curdling different types of milk with different food acids so we have lots of milk in our refrigerator🙂

Anyway I hope you liked this
I'm sorry it took so long to update I have been caught up in school and marching band

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