Accept the Accients[Sope]

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Warning ⚠️ Mpreg⚠️& Smut

Yoongi and Hoseok have been friends since middle school and still are. They are the best of friends; they do everything together.

Today is a school dance, and they are basically glued at the hip. "Seokie, I want to get a drink, can you come with me?" Yoongi asked Hoseok, using the nickname Yoongi have Hoseok in middle school.

When they were on their way over to the snack and drink table the slow dance started. "Yoonie lets dance!"

"But I-It's the slow dance" Yoongi said nervously because nobody knew it but he liked Hoseok, he tried his hardest to keep his feelings towards him.

"I know, but let's dance anyway" Hoseok said. "F-fine"

As they were dancing Yoongi noticed Hoseok getting closer to his face; and next thing they knew they were making out.

Yoongi was the first of the two to pull away. They kept eye contact and both boys started to blush. "Hey, do you want to come home with me, I don't want to be here anymore."


"Do you want to watch a movie?" Yoongi asked trying not to make things more awkward then they already were. "Sure but can we watch it in your room?"

"Why not." Yoongi said with a smile. Now they were on Yoongi's bed unknowingly cuddling. Then Yoongi accidentally touched Hoseok's thigh maybe a little too close to his little friend.

And that little friend just woke up.

Hoseok was now distracted from the movie but what his best friend just caused.  It's really uncomfortable for Hoseok so he started to shift. Then again, and again, and again but this time Yoongi looked down at his hand and saw the reason why he was shifting. And he could tell right away it was because of him. His hand was placed really close to his center.

Now Yoongi was full of lust just wanting to help his friend that he dearly wanted to kiss and help him with his problem.

"Oh, Seokie, what happened?" Yoongi said with a smirk. "I- I-uh you- I mean-" Yoongi couldn't help but kiss him, he looked to hot at the moment. "Would you like me to help" Yoongi said with the same smirk on his face. When he said that Hoseok blushed deeply because he wanted to say yes but he didn't want to sound weird Incase his friend was joking.

"I can see it on your face you want to say yes but your not sure how I will feel." It was like he was reading Hoseok's mind.

Soon Yoongi was palming Hoseok through the sweat pants, then out of nowhere Hoseok gained confidence and pulled Yoongi on top of him and they were kissing while Yoongi was still palming.

They pulled away Yoongi slipped a hand into Hoseok's boxers, "Ahh Yoongi- mmhh"

"Yoongi~ stop t-teasing me" Yoongi's smirk grew bigger almost into a smile.

Yoongi started to pull Hoseok's shirt off. Soon Hoseok was doing the same. This time Hoseok led the kissing, not much later tongue was added. And both boys were trying to take each other's pants off.

Now both boys were only in their boxers. "Hurry up Yoongi-"

"Shhh baby boy I still have to prepare you"

"But first get on your knees" Yoongi commanded. Hoseok did as told and pulled Yoongi's boxers down, and started licking his tip. Not long after that he was deep throating a moaning Yoongi. "Come up here" once again Hoseok did as told.

As soon as Hoseok laid down he had two lives up fingers being thrusted in and out of him. "Oh my gosh Yoongi" Hoseok said with a moan after. After about a mother minute of that they were takes out. "Are you ready" Yoongi asked lining himself up with Hoseok's hole; he only nodded. Without hesitation Yoongi's long shaft was being thrusted in and out at inhuman speeds. "Yoongi I-I'm close" Hoseok moaned. "Me too let's cum together" With the last word they cummed and Yoongi collapses next to Hoseok. "Yoongi can we have a round two?" The older boy nodded. "Yoongi. Lay down." Hoseok demanded. "Damn I like it when you are like this." Yoongi laid down and Hoseok straddle him.

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