Perfect timing{Vhope}

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This time Tae is the bottom I hope you like it! And idk why I'm writing that it is winter because it is the middle of summer( well when I'm writing this) anyway it's just the story line :)

Taehyung's POV

Today was a cold day, in fact it was very cold it was 21 degrees(Fahrenheit). It was one of those days where parents won't let their children go outside to play unless it was snowing. It was one of those days where you just want to drink hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies all day. One of those days when you want to be with the people you love, but one of the people I love most isn't home, my husband Hoseok, but he is on a business trip. He should be home today though. But the thing is I am pregnant and also due any day now.

My friends are with me though, it's just not the same, I want him, I have almost broken down crying a few times because I wanted his presence.

I am currently on the couch with everyone...well everyone except for Hoseok we are watching a Christmas movie, my favorite Christmas movie it was to try and get my mine off of him but it wasn't working. Nothing was well until I felt a wave of pain go throughout my lower region. "Shit." I cursed underneath my breath hoping nobody heard but everyone looked my way. "Are you okay?" Jimin was the first one to speak up. "Yeah. Perfectly fine." I faked a smile but it didn't fool anyone especially not Jin, my brother. He took care of me more than my parents did. They were never there for us growing up. My parents don't even know I'm pregnant they haven't called since we told them I was marrying Hoseok...two and a half years ago.

Every thirty minutes I will get that sharp pain I knew it was a contraction I was due any time now, I think today might be the day. I don't want it to be the day Hoseok isn't here. They started getting closer so I got up and tried to walk around. Nobody was focusing on the movie any more they were all focused on me. Jin came up to me and rubbed my back and walked with me. "Are you okay?"

"Yes but not really..." now they were about every fifteen minutes. "I wish I could help, I mean I could but I don't have anything with me." Yes coincidentally Jin is a geologist. We kept walking for about three minutes then I suddenly stopped when I got one. "Jinnie! It hurts! An-and he-he's not here!" I cried into his chest he just rubbed my back and shushed me. "It's going to be okay~" Jin cooed. Suddenly my water broke.

I just sobbed harder. "Someone call him." Jin said to everyone in the living room. Jungkook called him. "He said he has landed and is trying to get home but it just started snowing hard." He said after a minute. "Did you tell him why you called?" He nodded. "He said he is trying his best, he's about 20 minuets away but the roads need to be plowed."

Nobody's POV

Taehyung kept crying, but he got upstairs into his comfy bed which made it a little better. "I just want him!" He cried. "We know we know he is trying his best Tae the roads are getting plowed." Jin said.

Seven minutes later Jin said, "Tae I need to check how far along you are okay?" He just nodded. He doesn't care who sees he's in pain and wants his husband. "Oh man, yeah ur going to have to start pushing in a little you are almost nine."

"Not until Hobi is here." Suddenly the door busted open. "I'm here!" He panted. "Hobi." Taehyung said in pain. "Don't worry babe nothis is going to happen to you I am here now." He smiled and kissed his forehead.

Five minutes later... "Tae you need to push." Jin said. "The next contraction push." He instructed. "It's going to be fine baby, you're going to do great."

"Alright 3,2,1 push!" Taehyung pushes as Jin counted up to ten and Hoseok held his hand. Well more like his hand was being squeezed of all life. About ten more minutes of pushing they had a baby girl. And Taehyung and Hoseok were both crying.

"You did it baby, I knew you could." They both smiled. "You came at the perfect time." He smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too, and this little girly right here." Taehyung said poking their new baby girl's nose softly.

There we go the last chapter before I go to camp and become the most awkward person ✊🏼

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