Namjin bestftiends' friend pt.2

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Jin and Namjoon went to the younger's house, watched a movie and cuddled. Namjoon noticed that Jin had fallen asleep on his shoulder and so Namjoon brought Jin up to his room and put him in his bed. Namjoon got in the bed kissed Jin's forehead, cuddled Jin and went to sleep.

The next morning
Jin woke up feeling an arm wrapped around his waist, and looked over his shoulder seeing that it was just Namjoon. He shifted to face Namjoon and in the process he woke up he younger. "Good morning" Namjoon said in his raspy morning voice making Jin flustered.
"M-morning" Jin said trying not to show how much he was falling for the younger but it was pretty obvious. So he nuzzled his face into his pillow. After about 20 minuets of just cuddling each other Jin got up and made breakfast, but it took him a bit longer than it would if he was at his house because he didn't know where everything was. After a while of cooking he heard footsteps behind him, and received a back hug from Namjoon. "Mmmmh Jin that smells delicious!"

"Okay well lest sit down and eat some of this delicious smelling food" Jin said with a smile

One week later

Joon🤓: Hey Hoseok

SunshineHobi☀️: Hey Joon

Joon🤓: I have a question

SunshineHobi☀️: Okay , I'm ready

Joon🤓: Okay so I'm trying to confess to someone and I just don't know how to do it

Joon🤓: Do you have any advice?

SunshineHobi☀️: Just take whoever it is to a quiet place and tell them how you feel . And just hope they feel the same way.🙂

Joon🤓: Okay thanks bud😋😇

SunshineHobi☀️: No problem man, anyway who is it?

Joon🤓: Haha umm... Jin😅


Joon🤓: StOoOoop




Joonie😘: Hey Jin

Jinniepoo😋: Hey Joon

Joonie😘: I was wondering if you wanted to meet at a park today

Jinniepoo😋: Sure I'm fine with that😊

Joonie😘: Okay! I'll see you there at 1:00

Jinniepoo😋: Perfect 👌🏼


At the park

Jin arrives at the park first and sits down on a bench pondering what Namjoon wanted to meet him for. After about five minutes Namjoon arrives at the park and greets Jin with a big grin. "Hey Jin!"

"Hey Joon! What do you want to do?"

"Umm can we go on a walk?" Namjoon said nervously. "Sure"

About seven minutes into the walk Namjoon started to begin his confession. " Jin, I actually wanted to come here to ask you something"
As Namjoon said that sentence Jin started wondering what he was going to say next. "Jin, ever since we first met at Hoseok's house I have had a crush on you, I really like you, maybe even love you." As he said this Jin stopped walking. "I can't stop here" Namjoon mumbled to himself, he took a deep breathe and asked, "will you be my boyfriend?"
Jin started to get emotional and all he could do was shake his head. He had never actually loved someone, he has been asked out before but it wasn't as special as this because he actually loves Namjoon. "Y-yes" Jin finally said as he hugged Namjoon. They continued their walk for about fifteen more minutes and the whole time they were holding hands, finger intertwined and everything.

 They continued their walk for about fifteen more minutes and the whole time they were holding hands, finger intertwined and everything

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