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"Lei Yang?"

A quiet, shocked exclaim came from behind Lei Yang's back. He already knew that Lei Chu was approaching him but decided to play out the whole experience for his own amusement. Turning his head to look over his shoulder, he feigned surprise before it changed to understanding. Turning in his seat to fully face her, Lei Yang allowed a big grin to overtake his expression. "Oh, sister, I almost forgot that you were going to Stelis. Imagine seeing you here" he giggled, surprisingly joyful. Lei Chu's upper lip twitched and asked him why he was here. "Oh that, I just missed the chance to get into King's Academy by literally a single point. It's frustrating but luckily Stelis took me in" he admitted shyly, scratching his cheek timidly. 

"Anyway, sister, come sit down and I'll introduce you" he happily pulled out the chair beside out for Lei Chu to sit in. Lei Chu hesitated for a while before recognising Felicity from her course. Tentatively sitting on the edge of her seat, Lei Chu unfolded her handkerchief and laid it out on the table in front of her. Placing her lunch set on top of the handkerchief, Lei Chu fumbled with her bag and took out a set of plastic knife, fork and spoon in plastic wrap. Lei Yang watched in mild amusement as clear revulsion flashed through her eyes as she gave up on eating altogether. "Sister, this is Felicity Lane from the Business Course and Tristan Price from the Physics course I'm in. We were just convincing Tristan to go for the Business course instead as business is his passion, it seems" Lei Yang calmly waved his hand at each person during his introduction. Nodding his head in Lei Chu's direction, "this is my older sister, Lei Chu" Lei Yang stated then got stuck into the lunch set in front of him. Disgust was obvious on Lei Chu's face when she peeked at Lei Yang out the corner of her eye expectantly. Noticing her glance, Lei Yang dug around his satchel and pulled out a granola bar and an apple and the milk off of his tray, passing it off to Lei Chu. In exchange, he took the small tub of vegan ice cream on Lei Chu's tray. Lei Chu didn't express her gratitude, just accepting hat was offered to her like it was a matter of course. This little interaction painted a picture for Tristan and Felicity; a stuck up older sister and a deferential younger brother.

 The table was quiet before Lei Yang broke the silence. Lei Yang deliberately brought the bar and apple today as he knew he was going to bump into Lei Chu at some point, most likely in the cafeteria. In Lei Yang's memories, he noted Lei Chu's disgust of shared eating utensils touching her food, evidently, her mysophobia was pretty severe. In a way, it was a PTSD-like reaction from when the boys in her class in elementary school would take her food, and put it on used plates and hand her utensils caked with dried food and saliva to use. It was gross and only really happened a handful of times before the teachers put a stop to it but the damage was already done. The need to separate her food from physically touching her plate had become an obsessive need that, when not fulfilled, would cause her to break down in panic attacks. She carried a small roll of paper towels with her at all times, so as to have a protective layer in which her food sits on the plate. She also carries disposable cups and plastic knives and forks. Things that need to be placed in a bowl like soup is strictly avoided.

 Lei Chu's behaviour is also as such within her own home, much to the worry and dismay of the Lei couple. Lei Yang, a caring younger brother, took note of his sister's aversion to shared utensils and he made it a habit to carry around pre-wrapped foods that can be held in your hand or fruits and vegetables. This habit has saved Lei Chu on many occasions and it's become an expectation that Lei Yang is to carry around 'Lei Chu-approved' foods. In the original world, Edris Sawyer took note of his wife's peculiarities and asked her why she never wanted to go out to restaurants for dates or eat in the cafeteria with the rest of the staff. Opening up about her childhood traumas, Lei Chu unintentionally managed to move Edris and the man made it his duty to have the cleaner double-wash or even triple-wash the dishes after each use. Lei Chu didn't find out until later into the relationship, touching her about her husband's thoughtfulness.

 But this was a new world, a past that was drastically different from the original. According to one of the missions, Lei Yang was determined not to allow any chance for Edris Sawyer to fall in love with Lei Chu. Easing up the awkward atmosphere, Lei Yang successfully integrated Lei Chu into the conversation, creating a peaceful bubble in which four people joked around and chatted. "So, Felicity has been in the Business course for a year now and this is your second year but it's Tristan's first year? Ah, Tristan, we're in similar situations then as my sister and I are also on our first year here" Lei Yang steered the conversation back onto University matters. Felicity sipped her milk through her straw and smacked her lips in satisfaction. "Yeah, it seems so. Way to make me feel excluded, guys!" Felicity pouted playfully. 

"Right now I'm just hoping for a business opportunity. Technically Uni students aren't supposed to be given high ranking positions within companies due to the fact they don't have the qualifications but I hear that there's this special type of course exemption you can get where you can go out into the workforce for the period of a year for experience and come back the following year to finish your course. It's sort of like you can use this opportunity for extra credits in case you're falling behind in your course or something. Of course, that's not why I want to apply, I'd just feel better with some practical experience, you know. I'm going to go to the main campus and visit the Careers department to inquire more about it after class today" Felicity stated and screwed up the aluminium foil into a tight ball, aiming a shot up to the bin about a metre away. Throwing and scoring, she pumped her fist in triumph. Lightly clapping with a giggle, Lei Yang got up and dumped his rubbish in the bin, stacking the tray in the housing above the bin and made his way back.

 Halfway back, he noticed Tristan also lining up a shot, only to miserably fail by aiming too far to the left. Seeing the rubbish ball whizzing slightly to the right of him, Lei Yang quickly grabbed the ball and flicked his wrist over his shoulder without looking at where he was aiming. The ball accurately landed in the bin without touching the sides. A small crowd of students who happened to catch sight of what just happened cheered and whistled. Lei Yang was taken aback before playfully bowing to his admirers. "Thank you, thank you, you've been a great audience!" he teased them like he was an entertainer winding up the end of a showcase. Lei Chu rolled her eyes.

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