ARC 1.1

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Tian Anjing awoke on a bed in a white room. Evidently, he was in a hospital room, the bright white glaring and the faint scent of medicine wafted around the enclosed space. His whole body was numb and he was slightly light-headed, an indication that he was prescribed some pretty heavy pain killers. Feeling around for the bed remote, Tian Anjing adjusted the bed so he was sitting up so he could view the room and its surroundings. 

"Chihong, Xiao Gou, what's the storyline for this world?" Tian Anjing queried. [Host, this world's storyline is based on a female protagonist trying to build a harem for her own personal needs. Let Xiao Gou tell you the specifics. Lei Chu, the female lead, was from an impoverished family who migrated from a third world country undergoing civil-military warfare. Lei Chu's family, migrants, were forced to live in poor conditions in a housing commission community located downtown. Growing up racially different caused Lei Chu and her brother to be excluded and isolated from the rest of their peers, in which the family developed an inferiority complex. To make matters worse, Lei Chu and her brother could only speak broken English which caused a lot of misunderstandings amongst her school mates. Once she had spent enough time in the country to learn English more fluently, Lei Chu realised that she was disadvantaged due to her upbringing, so she moved out and cut ties with her family when she was legally old enough to leave home. Taking the money she earned from odd jobs and pocket money from her parents, Lei Chu decided to attend a middle-class university and Business Management classes. While in University, Lei Chu became friends with Felicity Lane, a Business student from F Country trying to make it big in the city and Tristan Price, a middle-class citizen from the countryside adamant on starting up a logistics transport company focused on moving sea freight from and to the ports. Two months later, Felicity informed her friends that she had an interview locked down to be a certain CEO's P.A. Hearing of this opportunity, Lei Chu got Felicity drunk and stole her interview acceptance letter. Lei Chu attended the interview the next day and charmed Ken Costner, the CEO's Secretary, to allow her to be the P.A., taking up the spot the more capable Felicity would have gained. Convincing her friend that she had just lost her acceptance letter, Lei Chu announced that she was moving uptown to be a trial P.A. in a large conglomerate's headquarters. Felicity congratulated her. Before she left, Tristan confessed his feelings for her and she accepted, opting for a long distance relationship. After becoming P.A., Lei Chu kept an ambiguous relationship with Ken while waiting for the CEO to come back from overseas conferences in M Country. The CEO and male lead, Edris Sawyer was highly impressed with Lei Chu's University achievements and expressed his goodwill by organising a welcoming party after the Annual Stocktake. Getting drunk, Edris accidentally slept with a middle management female employee, creating an HR nightmare that needed to be cleaned up. Stressed by his unprofessional behaviour, Edris was comforted by Lei Chu's caring and nonjudgmental attitude towards him. Over a short time, Edris started experiencing the first signs of love for Lei Chu but denied his feelings because of the drunken debacle he got himself into. Lei Chu, realising Edris' feelings towards her, decided that he was the best man she could settle down within the future as he represented safety and financial security. Due to her inferiority complex, Lei Chu's expectations towards herself had twisted to the point where she believed she rightfully deserved only the best and kept only useful people around her, tossing the useless aside. Around the time of Lei Chu's scheming against Edris, Tristan came to visit his girlfriend, intending to break up with her. They had become distant and Tristan realised he loved Felicity more than Lei Chu. Feeling betrayed, Lei Chu decided to use the excuse that her boyfriend 'cheated' on her with a close friend to become closer to Edris. Outraged on her behalf, Edris confessed out of jealousy towards Tristan to Lei Chu and decided to ruin his business in retaliation, also making sure to inform business partners within his conglomerate to blacklist both Tristan and Felicity. Satisfied, Lei Chu invited Edris to dinner, drugged his drink with aphrodisiac and slept with him. Months later and pregnant, Lei Chu accepted Edris' marriage proposal and became Mrs Chu Sawyer. They lived happily ever after. Isn't that a beautiful story, Host?] Xiao Gou finished narrating.

 "As if, what a load of crap. There are so many inconsistencies for one but let's not focus on that. My main issue is, where do I fit in this story? And at what point in the timeline are we currently at?" Tian Anjing scoffed. That Lei Chu is a conniving piece of work. [You are Lei Chu's brother and the second oldest of the Lei siblings, Lei Yang. The current timeline is two years before Lei Chu cuts ties with the Lei family.] 'Positively tired', what an interesting name. Then again, Lei Chu's name is 'awake tired'. He believed he got the better end of the stick. Tian Anjing got up from the hospital bed and headed to the bathroom. "Xiao Gou, why is Lei Yang in the hospital?" he asked as he shut the bathroom door. [Because Lei Yang is lactose intolerant and was forced by the school to drink milk as part of his lunch set. They said it was mandatory despite Lei Yang's protest that he didn't want it. He was then transported to the hospital and his parents are on their way. Hmph, Zhen wouldn't allow anyone to force Zhen to do anything Zhen doesn't want to do. Lei Yang is a weakling!] Chihong harrumphed. Tian Anjing rolled his eyes and focused on the mirror in the bathroom. 

A suntanned and sickly thin body stood in his reflection, eyes hidden behind sun bleached and damaged black hair, scruffily hiding away most of his features. He was short for a male, about 5'5", his limbs as thick as a sapling's branches. Chapped lips grimaced in the mirror. "Chihong, what pills have I got in the kit to fix this?" Tian Anjing murmured. [Hmm, a Beauty pill, a Cleansing and Detoxification pill and a Nutrition pill. Zhen recommends a full body makeover, Zhen won't talk until you're semi-decent looking] Chihong flung the pills at Tian Anjing's face, which he caught before it actually hit. [Xiao Gou recommends diluting the pills in water first and separating the intake over a few weeks because if you suddenly turned stunning and healthy, that would make people suspicious] Xiao Gou pointed out. "Good point. I'll ask the nurse to let me leave. I remember from Lei Yang's memories that he had a few dollars, I'll go buy some disposable bottles and some iced tea to mix the pills in" Tian Anjing took one last look in the mirror.

 "Alright, from now on, I am Lei Yang, a character that wasn't even considered cannon fodder central to the storyline. Tian Anjing doesn't exist for now" Tian Anjing, or rather Lei Yang, said aloud, briefly smiling at his reflection and leaving the bathroom.

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