"Uh..." I quickly tell her the period, trying to get her out of my room.

"So after noon, I can pick you up?" I think for a moment before nodding my head. "Perfect. Act sick after Chem and I'll come to get you."

"Uh, okay," I smile at her. Mom smiles back before turning around and walking down the stairs. I watch her go before shutting my door and locking it. Ryder comes out of my closet a moment later.

"Your mom is awesome," he murmurs before walking over to me. He bends down and grabs his pants, throwing them on. I move around him, looking out my window as I walk to my closet. I grab a shirt before locking myself in the closet and pulling it on. Ryder is sitting on my bed, petting Misha when I walk back out of the closet with a new outfit on. He scans me up and down, his eyes lingering on mine for a moment. I blush.

"I know, she's pretty cool," I say softly. I walk past him again, ready to brush out my ratty hair, but he reaches out, his fingers wrapping in my belt loops. He pulls me toward him, a small smile on his face.

"Before we leave, can I get another kiss?"

My eyes widen slightly. I didn't expect him to be like that. I slowly shake my head.

"No way," I awkwardly giggle as I unhook his fingers. He frowns before looking down. Misha comes up next to him, trying to make Ryder smile again. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet," I giggle. Ryder just rolls his eyes.

"Then just a peck?" I take a moment to look at him, licking my lips in apprehension. His eyes follow my tongue, something I thought really only happened in books. Next thing I know, Ryder is up and towering over me, leaning down with his eyes shut. I blink before raising my chin. Ryder grows a smirk.

"Just a peck," I whisper against his lips, the soft skin of them now brushing across mine. I feel Ryder's smirk grow into a grin. He lightly places his lips on mine, sending sparks throughout my body. I sigh against him, my hands moving on their own accord. They sneak to his torso where I close my fists, my hands knotting into his soft shirt. He pushes against me so I have to step back, the back of my knees now hitting the mattress. I gasp, letting Ryder slip his tongue just over my lips so it barely touches mine. I am about to deepen the kiss when Ryder pulls away, a gleam in his eye.

"Just a peck," he says before turning, unlocking my window, and jumping out. I run to the window sill and watch as his wings burst out and start to carry him into the gloomy clouds.


The school bells practically put my head in a tizzy as I turn in my Chemistry test. I stretch before getting my stuff, sighing as I think 'yup, I completely failed that'. I walk past my teacher before turning to him.

"Uh, I know it's the end of the period, but I feel I should ask. May I please go see the nurse?"

He spares a moment to nod at me and then grabs the tests and starts grading them. I turn on my heels and start weaving my way throughout the hallways before freezing. My attention zeros in on a familiar head of blond hair. People swarm around him, all in a fuzzy.

"Elliot," I murmur. As if he hears me, Elliot turns on his feet and turns to look at me. His blue eyes glisten in happiness before waving at me. I barely register the fact he is walking toward me until his hands wrap around me to pull me into a big bear hug. A smile forms across my face before I wrap my arms around him. Elliot starts to chuckle.

"It's been forever since I've seen you," Elliot's loud voice fills my ears. Everyone moves to stand behind him, watching us. I blush at the realization. "Yet, you are still the cute little monkey I remember!" Elliot laughs, his hands coming up to squish my cheeks together. I swear, Elliot never learned of personal space.

"Oh shut up. You're still as loud as I remember, maybe louder."

Elliot laughs. It's so loud it echoes across the hall. "True! But, when you almost die, you learn to not give a fuck about anything!" He cheers. Everyone laughs behind him before they come forward and pat his back.

"I see that. Since when do you swear?" Elliot never really swears. Elliot just looks at me and grins.

"Ever since the fucking grim reaper looked at me with his ugly eyes," Elliot says, completely serious. I pause, my head tilting. Oh, Elliot. He was just injured physically, but mentally. I can see it. I just send him a worried look before he is literally carried off by some football players. I roll my eyes before remembering my mom is probably waiting for me to give her the call to come to get me. She seems really excited about today, and I actually am too. I need a few hours to just relax and chat with my mom.


Mom stares at me across the table at the mall, her eyebrow raised as I just stare at her. She asked how things were with Dean a moment ago, and is still waiting on my answer. Even though I've had a great time with mom, I've constantly worried about some ugly--not really--angel will show up. I'm just riding on the fact that angels do not normally show their face in public.

My foot taps the floor in anticipation.

"Everleigh, tell me. How are things with Dean?"

I open my mouth but shut it again. "Uh, Dean and I...well..." My mom's fork pauses as she raises her eyebrows. Her orange chicken stays on her fork, her eyes dancing with confusion. "Well--you see, I met someone else." I decide to take a different path. My mom's surprise is barely there.

"I'm not surprised, honey," she says. Her hand reaches across the table to stroke my fingers, her now shoving her orange chicken into her mouth. Her blond hair drifts down her shoulders perfectly. "I cannot imagine how you felt when Dean was in that coma." I look down.

"I just...haven't broken things off with him," I tell her, wincing slightly. My mom's eyes widen, her pink lips forming a circular 'O'.

"Well," my mom pauses, probably thinking about her words. "I don't know much about relationships, but when you meet the man who is perfect for you; you just know. You'll know when he smiles at you because you cannot stop from smiling back. The way you constantly crave his touch. The way he's on your mind all the time. I was like that with your father. We met in school. He was entranced by me as I stood up in front of everyone to say a speech. I was surprised when he walked over to me afterward and said he thinks he was in love with me."

It's silent between us for a moment as we think about how cute that story is, my mom's mind living in the past. I pause before opening my mouth.

"So, do you think that love, at first sight, is real?" I question her for a moment. Mom takes the time to shove some chicken in her mouth before tilting her head back and forth, showing she is unsure. I send her an encouraging smile.

"Yes," my mom starts. "It is definitely real. It's just so rare people think its only found in fairy tales--which truly saddens me. Don't think for one moment love at first sight isn't real, because it certainly is. And if you think you've possibly fallen in love," mom takes a dramatic pause. "I strongly encourage you to chase that love."


Chasing AshesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin