He regarded her with his white beautiful eyes that were filled with lust before he left.

He was dozing on the arm chair when he heard a rap by the door. He felt so worn out that for all he cared someone should feed him.

" Come in."

The door creaked open and she entered carrying a tray of bowl of steaming noodle and a mug of tea. She was now wearing her hijab which she mistakenly wore inside out.

He adjusted himself and sat up pointing at the table. He felt a pump of anger when he saw her wearing the hijab. She should've left him feasted on her skin. Now, that he has no option but to see her face, he got a close look of her features. A beautiful pair of eyes, a rather small lips, but full. He wondered how they would taste.


She put the tray and stepped back. He waited for her to walk out but she seemed rooted.

" Is there anything else? "

" No.. I.. Hope it's OK for you." he ravished how scared she looked.

Am I this intimidating??

"That'll be okay I'll manage." he reached for the tray clearly dismissing her.

She scurried away to her room panting softly as she made to her bed.

Hajiya should please come back soon.

He ate the noodles with gusto and the tea was awesome though he had to take not much least, he wouldn't sleep. He finished up and brushed his teeth before he literally fell to his bed.

Zayyad stirred up and opened his eyes from his bed. The room was still dim from the drawn drapes. The clock read 10:00am he snuggled deep and closed his eyes.

I'll pray when I wake up later.

He slept back almost immediately and took almost another hour before he woke up. It was almost noon when he finally dragged himself out of bed. He performed ablution and shamelessly, with no remorse prayed his subh prayer minutes to noon.

He got out in his shirt and knee length trouser to the kitchen to help himself. There was no one in the kitchen so he started checking the warmers. He found gruel, which angered him on sight.

" Maid!!!! Maid!!!!!!! "

She came in panting from the unexpected call and curious of its urgency. She forgot to put on her veil as she was tying her hair into a bun when he started barking.

She was almost shaking. Her white eyes widened from fear.

" Who asked you to make this? It's that what you expect me to eat? " he questioned flared with anger.

" I made this with chips, I thought you may like it sir."

" Well, I don't like it." his attention was now on her silky black hair that was falling freely on her neck. Her beauty is raw. The kind that one wants to wake up to while in bed. Then the pint of innocence that makes her totally irresistible.

" I'll make some tea for you." she was at the verge of tears. How could someone be so arrogant?

" That you have to. Make it fast."

She nodded and made to leave.

On an impulse "What's that your name?"

" Layla." she left to get her veil and get to work.

" And Layla, bring the breakfast to my room." he called out.

Zayyad took out his SIM card and put it in his phone so he could call his parents. He was so tired he didn't inform them of his arrival. He had wanted staying for a day before leaving for Kano. Now, there's change of plan. He would stay a little longer.

" Hello, Pops." he said as the other line came in.

" Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah." his father's calm voice came through. His accent was thick.

Zayyad curved his mouth in annoyance.

Here we go with the greeting sermon.

"I've told you Zayyad, hello is not islamic way of greeting. Why would you forsake and act that'll give you reward and earn you respect among people and most importantly share love between Muslims?"

" Okay, I got carried away. I'm so excited to see you Pops." he was trying to change the topic.

His father sighed, seeing what he was trying to do and has done it.

" You were supposed to call me when you arrive. I couldn't reach you and Khadija is not in town too I could've asked her."

" I got in tired. The house is empty only for her sexy maid and security guard."

" Come again??"


" Nah nothing, I didn't say anything. How's my Maama?"

" I left her at home I'm out. When are you coming? "

He scratched his forehead, trying to come up with something.

" You know I still have this jet lag. Let's see for the main time."

" We'll talk more later son, need to go."

" Bye Pops."

He searched for the contacts of the love of his life, his Maama, his first and genuine love. As for others girls, they are just for fun and nothing else.

" Maama......." he cooed into the phone.

"Habibi, how are you doing? Your father just informed you talked. I was about calling you. When are you coming down here?"

And her tone made him want to run or fly to Kano at the moment.

"I'll be here for 3 days max before I come. Something came up."

" Are you serious?" her warm tone was welcoming.

" Yes Maama. Take care.. Love you!!!!! " he sang out loud.

Layla came in with the breakfast and kept it where she did yesterday. She was wearing her hijab right today. The only difference from yesterday was she made to leave immediately she kept it.

" Hey come back here."

She stopped in her tracks, and swirled her limp body around to meet Zayyad's lustful eyes.

" Have you eaten? Where's your plate? "

He was looking for all means to make her stay. Damn her! She should stay and let him feast on her. He was loosing his calm. Her image was clouding his brain from concentrating but she seems clumsy. One, just one word could make her fret. He need to take extra care of his words and demeanor.

" I've eaten mine sir."

His eyes were still on her trying to find an exposed skin, a soft looking bun of hair, anything that would definitely relish him at the moment. He caught the slight move of her succulent lips and he knew he would be damned if he didn't get her.

" Call me Zayyad."

" Okay sir..... Zayyad" she complied.




miss_aykay ❤❤❤❤

8th January 2019

Handsome Devil  ✅ Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat