Chapter Thirty-nine: The Spider Who Cried Wolf

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"Okay, here goes nothing!" he stuttered, clicking his tongue as he fell forward, letting gravity do the rest of the work.  Through the air he flew down towards the ground, his jacket flapping in the air like a cape as he clung onto the single strand of web that would either be his salvation or demise...

He watched as the ground grew closer, and closer far too rapidly.  Stiles could already imagine the impact of hitting the ground.  He would be dead before he could even blink as soon as the pavement made even the slightest contact with him.  Stiles closed his eyes, praying that this would work.  Suddenly, the web became taut, and his eyes burst open as his body contorted and he was suddenly swinging up towards the sky.

"WOO-HOO!" he cheered loudly throughout the concrete canyons of New York, a  huge smile growing upon his face as he let go of the web flying forward high above the buildings.  As he started to descend once more he shot another web, moving forward and using his weight swung around the corner of a skyscraper, using his other web shooter to latch onto a rooftop ledge as a grapple point of sorts.  Pulling himself forward, Stiles landed rather heroically onto the rooftop with the brightest smile he had ever had the pleasure of forming.

That was the best thing he had ever done, and he had felt amazing after taking Harris down, but this.. this was on a whole other level entirely.

He had come a long way from being that eight year old in the hospital watching his mother die, and Stiles knew that with what had happened over the past few weeks he was in a brand new world.  It still astounded him to think that a few weeks ago he was just a skinny, powerless nerd and now here he was running around stopping serial killers, crawling up walls, punching through walls and swinging from a web.  What a perfectly normal life he had.

Stiles looked forward, looking at the skyline and without even thinking he ran forward, shooting a web and launched into the air again, using Manhattan as his own personal playground.

By the time he realized what had happened he was sticking to the side of Stark Tower as his phone began ringing.  Stiles pulled it out, seeing it was a call from Laura.  This was something different though, something about how the hairs on his neck stood on end made him know this call was something entirely different.

"S-Stiles?" she breathed out weakly, causing chills to run down Stiles' body.

"Laura, what's wrong?" he asked, using his Spider Sense to try to figure out where she was.

"It's De..." her words were stopped by sudden violent coughing for a moment.  "...something's wrong with him.  He tried to kill me... I need help."

Stiles watched as the city turned blue in his sight thanks to his Spider Sense.  The blue sense was like a blanket, overtaking the the island until it hit a skyscraper and it lit up the brightest gold he had ever seen in his life.  He knew that building all too well, it was the one Sara Roberts' father worked at....

"You're at Fisk Tower, aren't you?" he asked lowly, and they both knew she didn't need to answer that.

"Please hurry."

Stiles hung up, and dove off of the wall using his web swinging to his advantage.  He covered so much ground in a matter of minutes that he might as well have been flying.

The race across the city was much faster now that he wasn't just leaping off the sides of buildings or simply running through the streets, now he was soaring, using only the webs he and Lydia had made.

He let go of the web as he reached Fisk Tower and he saw that the parking garage was now glowing from his Spider Sense.

"I'm coming Laura."

Web of Deception: The Webbed AvengerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant