
"Okay, so how much pain are you in right now? Scale of 1 to 10"

"Mentally or physically?"

"For now, physically."

"Hmm. I'd say.. About an 8. Hurts to breathe, even."

Yeah. I am great at pretending I'm fine.

"You should have told us!" She hands me a pill and a glass of water. "Take it, it's a pain reliever."

"Ooh, yum. I love pills." I comment as I down the pill with the water.  "Gotta love that tasteless flavour."

Next, she hands me an ice pack which had cloth wrapped around it. "Ice your ribs for 20 minutes every waking hour. It'll help relieve swelling."

She sees me staring at the cloth.

"It's to prevent possible frostbite," she adds.

I take the ice pack and place it gently on my broken ribs. I hiss in pain, and from the cold.

"I'll be leaving now," she says. "Push the button besides you if you need any help."

She leaves.

I lay in the hospital bed with the ice pack resting on my chest. I reached over the bed and checked my phone.


Yeah, I should sleep. Then it might not hurt to breathe.

I slid off the ice pack and eventually doze off.

Evan's pov

Jared's silver sedan pulls up on my driveway. For some reason, he rolls down the window. He never does this, but oh well.

"Ay, Acorn!" He calls from the driver's seat. "Hop in!"

I hesitate. "Me?"

"Do you see any other acorn around?"

"A-As a matter of fact, uh... yes," I state jogging to the passenger door, "It's... It's fall so-"

"Aw, shut up," Jared laughs.

I smile, stepping in and closing the door.

"So," Jared says as he pulls away from the driveway, "Ya still like Zoe?"

I blush. I like Zoe. But... Also Connor. So which one did I like?

"Or ya like Connor?"

I blush harder. "Uh-"

Jared stops the car abruptly. He turns to me, gaping. "Wait. OH MY F*CKING BATH BOMBS."

I shrink in my seat. "W-What?" I squeak.

Jared smiles and shakes his head, patting me on the shoulder.

Did I do something?

"Evan, I have something serious to tell you," he says gravely.

I tense up and nod.

"You," he sighs, "You are... Murphysexual." He says like a fact.

"WHAT?!" I screech, my face burning with embarrassment. "I-I! Um!

Jared collapses into laughter. When he settles down, he says, "I can't believe you like Zoe AND Connor!"

"W-Well I can't help it!" I huff, crossing my arms and looking away.

Jared pokes me on the shoulder. "Hey, we're at school already."

I peer out the window.

We really were at school already.

"O-Oh, thanks... For the.. the ride, Jared," I say, getting out of the car.

"Yeep," Jared replied, driving off to park.

I enter the school and stumble through the halls. "Freshmen," I hear a person mutter.

Excuse me? I am a senior! I wanted to say that, but I didn't.

I bump into Zoe. Zoe Murphy.

I blush.

"Hey Evan!" She greets.

"Y-You know me?" I ask, surprised.

"Um, yeah? I'm-"

"-Yeah, I know who you are," I cut. Then I realize what I did. "Sorry, that was really rude of me!"

Zoe shrugs. "It's fine."

Awkward silence.

"C-Connor's in the hospital," I blurt.

Zoe stares at me, confused. "What?"

"Connor's in the hospital," I reiterate.

"He is?"

I nod.

"Why?" She asks.

"Uh... He..."

Should I tell her? I'll let Connor tell her.

"He broke a few ribs," I inform.

"He broke his ribs?!" Zoe exclaims. "Is that why he wasn't home yesterday?"

I nod again.

Zoe nods slowly. "Alright. I'll tell my parents."



Zoe smiles. "Well, bye now! I have to go," she says as she jogs across the hall.

### time skip brought to you by Piiiiiiiiink Berry ~ ###

School was done for the day.
I rush out, eager to get to the hospital.

Jared runs and catches up with me. "Dude," he pants, "slow down! That excited to see him?" He teases.

I blush. "Shut up, Jared!" I groan.

Jared laughs maniacally.

I stand by the passenger door as he fumbles with his keys.

We get in, buckle our seat belts, and leave the school.

Connor's POV

My eyes flit open. I squint from the light.

Some stupid person opened my windows.

My ice pack has been replaced, since it was still cold.

I plopped it on as I grabbed my phone.


School ended twenty minutes ago.

I decide to text Evan.

Cthemessimake: ucfgi

Smol-acorn: ?? Who is this?

Cthemessimake: Connor

Smol-acorn: oh how'd u get my #??

Cthemessimake:  idk

Smol-acorn: oh

Cthemessimake: ye... where u at

Smol-acorn: With Jared

Cthemessimake: where tho

Smol-acorn: wait

Cthemessimake: why

5 minutes later...

Still no response.

Suddenly, I hear the door creak and turn my head to see who entered.


A/n: hohohohoho I'm doing this in the middle on 4th period...I shouldn't be writing this in class... But I am....

Btw I have like 1300+ words so I'll just publish it now.... Ye...


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