Chapter Six - Save Me

Start from the beginning

Skulduggery saw them, out the corner of his eye socket. It took a mere second to take in the scene. Valkarie on the ground as blood dripped from the back of her head, a skinning looking vampire trying to drag her away.

"LET HER GO!" Skulduggery roared loud enough that the vampire jerked up, dropping Valkarie. He pushed at the air and it hurtled back, Fletcher dove forward, making a grab for her when a much larger dark shape collided with him.

Fletcher was thrown into his chest as the dark shape scooped Valkarie up, over it's shoulder. Skulduggery unceremoniously shoved Fletcher off him as he made for them. The vampire stayed just long enough for it's face to be one recognisable, then launched itself at the castle. Leaping from window to window, Dusk took Valkarie's limp form into the upmost tower.

Fletcher stood up shakily, but quickly teleported as another vampire came up from behind him. Ghastly looked over the crowd of vampires now surrounding him.

"Valkarie?" he asked, just loud enough to be audible.

"The tower. With Dusk!" he pointed to the lone tower, like a single candle upon a cake. "GO!!! FIGHT THEM!!" and he pummelled his way through, kicking and punching, using flames and gusts of wind. Forcing them to part like the red sea For him, hold on Valkarie, I'm coming.


Chapter Six

Save Me

Valkarie's eyelashes fluttered as she struggled to regain consciousness, so many things were fluttering around her mind. A cold hard floor, an icy draught, a terrible pain in her head, how stiff her body was... She concentrated on the pain as the world around her became more real with every passing second. She'd used this approach before, when she and Skulduggery had ought Serpine, focusing on the pain from her broken leg had helped her wake up.

Slowly, very slowly, everything came into focus. She was lying on a hard stone floor, an icy draught moving her dark hair. A pounding in her head and a small pool of drying blood explained the black blur that was how she'd got here. Shakily Valkarie climbed to her feet, she was just feeling for a wall fir support when a foot slammed into her jaw, sending her sprawling in pain.

Even in the shadows, and through uneasy eyes, Dusk was still easily recognisable. Leaning against the wall, a satisfied look playing across his scared face Dusk observed her. Valkarie had just opened her mouth when- SLAM he sent her into another wall with such force she folded in mid air.

Breathing into the floor Valkarie did a quick assessment of her current situation. Whenever she tried to speak or stand, Dusk would hit her. Easy enough, but he seemed to be waiting for her to he was enjoying the fact that he had her in a moment of weakness. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, there was no way she'd go down without a fight.

Resisting the urge to scream for help, she felt for her ring. It was gone, furiously Valkarie tried searching her pockets, as if to confirm what she was dreading there was a crunching sound, and it's re aims were thrown at her. She tried to summon a flame but the ebb of her magic was far away, the room was bound, super.

That just left force. Ok. Readying herself Valkarie tensed her muscles, she needed to be quick. Then, without warning. She ran at Dusk.


Chapter Six

Save Me

VALDUGGERY - catch me when I fallWhere stories live. Discover now