Chapter 16- A year older

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Chapter 16- A year older

-Aiden's POV-

"Happy 6th birthday!" I jumped in surprise as Ewa snuck up behind me and placed a present in front of me.

I picked up the present and Ewa sat in front of me, smiling brightly.

"I thought you wouldn't come," I told her.

"I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world!" she smiled, "open your present!"

I rolled my eyes at how she was more excited than me.

I unwrapped the blue wrapping paper to reveal a oink and blue polka-dot scrap book. I opened it and it was filled with different pictures representing different memories. For a 5-year old she did a good job even though it's covered with pink glitter.

"Thanks, I love it," I smiled and hugged her.

"Of course my mummy helped me but I decorated it," she pointed at the glitter.

"Yeah I can see," I nodded.

"Read the letter at the back, mummy had to write it but I told her what to write!" she told me flipping the pages to the back.

"Dear Aiden my bestest friend in the whole world,

I hope you have a good birthday, and I hope you like the present I made you. I included every picture of me and you I could find and I decorated it all by myself. I also left a couple of extra pages for our adventures in France and Brazil, but I want to go to France first because I want to go to Disney Land! Anyway, happy birthday Aiden!

Lots of love from your bestest friend in the whole world, Ewa.


My eyes slowly opened trying to adjust the sun light that was beaming through the curtains.

That was one crazy dream.

I sat up and noticed that I was alone in bed.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as I got out of bed and headed downstairs towards the kitchen. As I got closer to the kitchen, I caught a beautiful scent of pancakes.

"Morning," she said as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning," I replied sitting down.

"Wait," she told me then went to get something out of the fridge, "happy birthday!"

I looked up and saw her holding a neatly done chocolate cake. I love chocolate cake.

Wait birthday..... oh yeah, it's my birthday!

"How did you know it's my birthday?" I asked.

"Ricko phoned this morning and told me to say happy birthday to you and that's how I found out," she explained, "oh he also told me you love chocolate cake."

"Well then let's eat it!"

After we had the pancakes we started to stuff our faces with the chocolate cake.

"So what did you get me?" I asked her cocking up a brow.

"Um, nothing," she coughed, "but that's because I only found out this morning, if you would've told me sooner then I might have got you something."

"Don't worry about it, I don't give two shits about my birthday," I told her eating my chocolate cake, "I mean this chocolate cake is enough."

"I can't believe your 19, your getting old."

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