Chapter 11- Spain here I come

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Chapter 11- Spain here I come

-Ewa's POV-

As we came back, we were greeted by Aiden's mum.

"Oh your back, how was shopping?" she asked both of us.

"Um, it was fun," I smiled.

"Aiden what did you buy?" Viola asked pointing at the bag that Aiden was holding all day.

"Oh this?" he said holding it up, "err, well it's for Ewa," he said handing it to me.

For me?

I slowly took it out of his grips, still shocked that he brought me something. I looked inside and saw that it was a perfume box from the perfume shop we went into.

"Thanks," I smiled at him.

He awkwardly smiled back as he scratched the back of his head.

"Aiden, I'm surprised at you, you actually went shopping," David said as he walked towards us.

"So there were guards following us," Aiden groaned.

I was just making sure," David said, "and Ewa, I heard your making dinner tonight, is that correct?"

Shoot, I forgot all about dinner tonight.

"Um, yeah."

"Ewa's making dinner?" Aiden asked and I nodded, "hmm," that's all he said before sprinting up the stairs.

Why did he want to know anyway? It's not like his ever had dinner with us before, he would always order something and eat it in his room.


"This smells great," David said sitting down.

"I hope you like it," I said nervously.

To be honest the last time I cooked was when my mum was sick, but that was about 2 months ago.

As I sat down, Aiden came in the room and sat down next to me.

We all stared at him like he was a stranger. 

He looked up, "what?"

I looked at Viola and David and saw their smiling faces.

"So Aiden what made you have dinner with us today?" David asked.

"Don't push it old man, I'm just hungry," Aiden replied.

"Lets dig in everyone," Viola cheered.

I've never seen Viola this happy before.

"So Ewa, have you thought about what you want to be when your older?" Viola asked casually.

"Well I would like to be a teacher but ever since I was little, I always wanted to have my own restaurant," I replied and he nodded.

"What about you Aiden?" David turned and asked Aiden.

"David, don't," Viola warned.

Aiden ignored his fathers question.

"You know you could always take over the company," David kept talking.

"David please," Viola pleaded.

"Shut up," Aiden groaned.

"Your the rightful heir anyway, so it would make-" David was cut of when Aiden suddenly got up and left.

"Take my food to my room," he ordered on of the maid before exiting the room.

"Aiden, wait!" Viola called but he was already gone, "what is wrong with you?" She turned to face David, "we haven't had a proper meal with Aiden in ages and you had to ruin it!" She shouted before bursting into tears and storming up the stairs.

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