Chapter 9- I'm right out side

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Chapter 9- I'm right out side

-Ewa's POV-

I've been here for a week now and to be honest everything's going great. I've been hanging out with Marcus and the others, but they still don't know that I'm getting married Aiden........Aiden, well lets just saying we're not the best of friends and I hardly see him at school. I saw Oscar but when he saw me, he walked away from me like his trying to avoid me. 

Aiden ran away 2 days ago and his still not back yet, I mean, where can a 18 year old go?.. okay never mind, I can think of  lot of places.

Just then I heard some one shouting from out side my room.

"You stay in that room till you know how to behave, I won't except this behavior," I heard David yell, which means Aiden's back.

I went to the door and leaned my war against it, so I could hear what they're saying.

"I'm not fucking 5 so stop treating me like I am!" Aiden shouted back.

"When you stop acting like one, then I'll treat you like an adult for once," David shouted before I heard the door being slammed shout, then it went completely silent. 

I opened the door and saw that no one was there anymore, then I saw 2 guards standing at the end of the corridor.

I went up to Aiden's door knocked on it but he didn't answer so I tried opening the door but it was locked.

"Aiden I know your in there," I stopped and tried to hide my laughter when what I just said sounds like frozen. I shook my head and got serious again, I took a deep breath, "and I know you can hear me, can you let me in?" I asked but again silence, "we can talk about this, please let me in."

"Look I don't know what your problem is with me, but we're getting married, and to be honest even if I wanted to cancel the wedding I won't because it's to late, your mums already looking for the wedding scenery," I laughed a little, remembering Aiden's mum asking me if I wanted the wedding inside or outside, "I-I want to get to know you, and I'm going to stay out here till you let me in," I said then sat down on the floor leaning on the door.

"I might not know much about the relationship between you and your parents, but I know that they love you," I told him, getting cheesy but it gets to the point, "I feel like I'm talking to myself at the moment, but i don't care, I mean I talk to my self all the time, and before you even think it, I'm not weird."

"You know every night before I go to sleep, I always wish that I could remember everything from out childhood, but I don't remember a thing," I continued.


-Aiden's POV-

She's been outside talking non-stop for nearly 3 hours now, talking about random shit.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly midnight.

Is she still out there?

I put on ears on the door, but I couldn't here anything. Maybe she-

"Oh and I love cats, they are just the cutest things ever, I mean..."

Nope, she's still there.

I groaned and sat down, leaning on the wall. 

"Oh yeah, I also love chocolate, mt favorite is the chocolate kinder egg, they are just the best, i know there for kids but I love them anyway."

How can she talk for this long?

How can her parents put up with this?

Argh- wait....

I got up and pressed my ears on the door again..... I can't hear anything...

Is she gone?

Yes, she'd finally gone.

Now I can go to bed.


After my shower, I got my back-pack and started packing my stuff.

There's no way in hell, I'm staying here.

When I finished packing, I threw the bag over my shoulder before unlocking the door and running out the room.


I stopped and retraced my steps. When I was by my door again, I looked to my left and saw Ewa curled up on the floor.

What the?

I kneel down in front of her.

She slept here all night?

For some reason, this made a smile creep onto my face. 

I dropped my bag before lifting her up in bridal style to her bedroom.

I dropped her- and when I say drop, I meant drop.

Because her body hit the bed hard, she bounced of and landed on the floor.

"What the hell?!" she screamed.

"Hey, you should be grateful, I carried you in, why were you sleeping by my door?"

"I told you yesterday, that I wasn't leaving," she crossed her arms.

"Your such an idiot," I said before grabbing my bag.

"Wait, where are you going?" she asked but I ignored her kept walking.

I looked around the corner and saw that my fathers guards were on the other side of the stairs, and they had their backs facing me.

I took my chance and walked towards the stairs.

"You can't go!" I heard Ewa shout from behind, then she  jumped on my back making lose balance and falling on my ass whiles sliding down the stairs.

When we fell to the bottom I fell down stomach first and the Ewa fell on top of me.

I groaned before pushing her off me.

"What the fuck were you doing, you could've killed me!" I shouted.

"What happened?" my parents shouted running towards us, "Aiden, Ewa are you two okay?"

"Do we look okay?" I shouted back to my mum, who made the stupid comment.

"I'm fine," Ewa said getting up.

"That's good," my mother said.

"Aiden, what's with the bag? where are you going?" my father asked pointing at my bag.

Quick think of something.

"I was about to take Ewa shopping, and the bags got my coat in there just in case it gets cold," I said- wait what did I just say?


"Why are you still in your night clothes, go and get change!" I said nudging her before she got up and went upstairs.

"Oh how lovely," my mother smiled.


Out of all the stupid things I could of said, I said shopping?!


A/N- please comment and vote :) xxxx

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