Chapter 5- Arranged trip

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Chapter 5- Arranged trip

-Hannah's POV-

Knock. Knock. Knock

I waited outside Miss Ewa's room but no one answered so I opened the door and peeked my head through.

She's not here.

I walked in the room and looked in the bathroom but she wasn't there. 

Without wasting another second I rushed downstairs and entered the dining room.

"Ma'am, Miss Ewa is not in her room," I informed her.

"What? How could this be?" She raised her voice, "tell all the guards and maids to look for her now."

I nodded and rushed off.


"We looked everywhere but we couldn't find her," I told her.

"This is outrageous," she shouted and stood up, "she's only been here for a day and we've already lost her?"

"Darling calm down, Ewa's a sensible girl, I'm sure she's here some where," Mr Smith said calming his wife down, "have you looked everywhere?" He asked and we all nodded, "what about in Aidens room?"

Before I could answer his question, Mrs Smith cut me off.

"Why would she be in there? I mean he hasn't even come back home yet."

Mr Smith ignored his wife and turned round to face me, "answer my question, Hannah."

"No sir," I replied.

"Well then let's go," he said walking out the room then Mrs Smith followed him and so did we.

As we all stood outside Master Aidens room, Mr Smith knocked on the door but no one answered.

He opened the door and we all walked in. 

Everyone's mouth hung open as Miss Ewa was here and so was Master Aiden. I put my hands over my mouth trying to hide my smile and giggle. Master Aiden and Miss Ewa was in the bed together and Master Aiden had his arms around her, hugging her close.


-Ewa's POV-

My eyes slowly flutter open as the sunlight beamed through the curtains.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as I felt something heavy on my stomach.

I slowly turned around and saw Aidens sleepy face.

I couldn't help but smile.


"Aiden, please stop!"

"Not until you I see you smile and laugh again."

"Aiden, you know I'm ticklish!"

"I still don't see a smile."

"Okay, okay, I'm smiling,"

"Good, now promise me you'll never cry again."

"I promise."


I swallowed a lump that was clogged up in my throat as I felt an erg to burst out crying.

I slowly lifted his hands up and slide of the bed without waking him up.

I made my way into my room and sat down on the bed. I grabbed my hugged a pillow and hugged it tight.

I've been having these weird blurry visions lately and it's annoying the crap out of me.

Maybe this house just gives out bad vibes.

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