Chapter 3- Meeting him

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Chapter 3- Meeting him

-Ewa's POV-

Right now I'm currently standing in front of a first class jet with my mum and dad beside me.

I still can't handle how rich they are.

Yesterday was so emotional, I mean all my friends texted me saying 'I'll miss you' and 'good luck' because I didn't have time to meet them but I didn't tell them I'm getting married, if I did then they will be asking me to many questions. As for my old job they was sad to see me go but to be honest I'm quite happy to leave.

After I hugged my mum and dad goodbye, I followed Viola into the jet.

I sat down beside her and closed my eyes as the jet lift off into the air.


After a few hours, we were finally there.

When I got off the jet the Sun was shining but it was still quite chilly.

We got into a car and headed to Violas house.

-Aiden's POV-

I sat on the sofa in front of my dad because that Ewa was coming today and she will be arriving anytime soon. I was about to go out today but they held me back. I had literally run but my fathers guards caught me and they had to carry me back, it's like a fucking prison.

"You should stop trying to escape Aiden, you'll going to get married wheater you like it or not," my father said and I rolled my eyes then I heard a car pull up outside the house.

She's here.

My father got up and went to the door and all the maids and guards went to line up, well except for the ones standing beside me, making sure I won't go anywhere.

"Ewa how nice to see you again," I heard my fathers voice then saw him shaking someones hand. I couldn't see Ewa, all I could see was my dad.

Even though I don't want to marry her, I can't help but be curious of what she looks like.

"Aiden come here please," my father called.

I took a deep breath and went to the door with the two guards following behind me.

I stood next to my father but Ewa had her back to me so she couldn't see me.

She had light brown hair and she was pretty tall but of course I'm taller than her.

"Ewa, this is Aiden," my mother introduced me then she turned around and her shiny blue eyes met mine.

-Ewa's POV-

I turned around and came face to face with Aiden. To be honest I think my heart skipped a beat.

He had dark brown hair, blue eyes, bit tanned, and he was tall.

I smiled and held my hands out.

"Hey," I managed to speak.

Aiden smirked, "so your Ewa," he said shaking my hand and instantly when we made contact, my vision went a bit blurry and images started flashing in my head.


"If your scared you can hold my hand."

"I'll always be there for you, Ewa, I'll fight all the scary monsters that come near you."


I shook my head, well that was weird.

"This is Hannah, she'll be your personal maid, and she will show you to your room," Viola said introducing me to a girl with dark red hair.

I pulled my hand away and forced myself not to look at him.

"Right this was Miss," Hannah said and I nodded.

I followed Hannah up the stairs and after turning loads of corners, we went in a room right at the back.

The room was beautiful, the floor was marble white and the walls were baby blue. This house- no I mean mansion, was beautiful.

"I will tell someone to bring your stuff up here," Hannah said and I nodded then she went out of the room and closed the door behind her.

I went out onto the balcony and saw that the sun was about to set. This reminds me of my home, I would always climb up onto the roof and watch the sun set.

I went back into the room and saw Aiden laying on my bed with his hands behind his head.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yeah you can, your going to go downstairs and tell my parents that the wedding is off," he said coldly.

I crossed my arms, "no, I already promised Viola and my mum, I don't break my promises."

He got up and walked towards me.

"So you wanna marry me do you?" he muttered, "you don't even know who I am."

"I-I can get to know you," I stuttered as he came closer to me. I stepped back as he stepped closer until my back made contact with the wall. He placed his hands either side of my head, locking me in place.

"I don't want anyone to know me or get close to me, especially you."

Damn, why does he have to be so hot? It's hard to look at him without blushing.

"D-do you remember anything about our childhood?" I couldn't resist asking.

"We were seven, how could we remember?" he scoffed , "if you wanna blame someone, blame our parents."

I got a courage to look up and when I did our eyes automatically locked. Then I noticed a little cut on the side of his cheek.

-Aiden's POV-

"Y-your bleeding," she said staring at my cut from yesterday.

Then she brought her hand up and cupped my cheeks as well wiping the blood of my cut. My body tensed as her soft touch sent chills down my spine.


"Are you hurt?"

"Silly Aiden, you didn't have to climb up the tree just to get my balloon," she giggled then kissed my cheeks, "thank you."


I blinked rapidly and saw that her hand was still on my cheek. 

I pushed her hand off and backed away before running out the room. I went to my room, which was opposite to hers. I slammed the door shut before going to sit in my bed. I buried my face in my hands.

Did I just run away from a girl?

What is she doing to me?

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