Chapter 8- Telling a believable lie

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Chapter 8- Telling a believable lie

-Ewa's POV-

"Are you okay?"

I looked up and came face to face with a guy I've never met before. He's got light brown hair and I think brown eyes, I can't really see in the dark. 

"Hey I know you, your the new girl at our school," he said and I nodded, "why were you run-"

He's sentence was cut short as the guys came around the corner. I ran and went behind the guy I don't even know but to be honest he looks more friendly than those other guys.

"Oi, Oscar man, give us the girl," the guy in the middle shouted.

The guy, Oscar, looked at me then looked at the scary guys.

"How about no," he said.

"Then we'll just have to come and get-"

"I don't think so," Oscar stopped the man, "do you know who this girl is?" he asked and they shook their heads like idiots, "this is Ewa, Aiden's girlfriend."

Hah in their fac- wait WHAT?!

I stared at Oscar with wide eyes and mouth gaped open. What did he say?

The guys looked at Oscar then they looked at me.

"Well, we wasn't gonna do anything to her, we just saw that she was lost, so we were gonna help her, nothing more," the guy in the middle said scratching the back of his head, "let's go you idiots," he said before they all walked the other direction.

I came from behind Oscar then turned round to face him giving him the 'look'.

"What?" he asked with an innocent voice.

"Look I don't know who you are, but if you go around telling lies like-"

"I know about you and Aiden getting married," he said bluntly and I just decided to shut up and let him talk, "I'm his best mate, he tells me everything."

"So do you know where he is?" I asked him.

He nodded then motioned me to follow him.

"Wait," I stopped him and he turned around, "can we go back and get my bag real quick, I kinda dropped it when I ran away from them."

"Why did you drop it?"

"I panic, okay?"

He shook his head and laughed before we walked to get my bag which was luckily all there.

After about 15 minutes of walking, we entered a massive warehouse.

"He's in here, fighting."


"Are you going to just stand there?" he said.

As we got closer to the entrance of the ring, the noises of people shouting and cheering got louder and louder. When we went inside I saw their was a big ring in the middle of the room and in the ring was Aiden.

We sat down on the front row and watched as Aiden punched the other guy.

One half of the crowd was shouting Aiden and the other half was shouting Bobby. The crowds were so loud that I can't even here myself think.

"Woah, go Aiden!" Oscar shouted, then turned round to face me, "his gonna win anyway, his really famous on the streets," he said and I nodded, "you don't speak much do you?" he asked and I nodded, not even paying attention to what he's saying.

I watched the fighting tensely as the guys from behind me shouted right in my ear.

Then the guy, Bobby, punched Aiden on his left cheek causing him to fall down.

Without control, I shot up, "AIDEN!" I screamed and Aiden immediately spotted me. I looked at him with worried eyes.


"What do you want to be when you grow up?" I asked Aiden.

"I want to be a famous fighter, then I'll be big and strong, so I can protect you," he said standing on the bench with his arms on his waist.

"You can't be a fighter,silly," I giggled, then he sat down.

"Why?" he pouted.

"You'll get hurt," I said, "and I don't want you to get hurt, your my best friend."


My breathing started to quicken, faster and faster.

Why am I so worried? I'm not the one fighting.

I watched as the other guy walked up to Aiden, and pull his fist up in the air, ready to punch him.

"AIDEN THE HELL UP!" I screamed again and this time he got up, dodging the guys punch and kneeling the guy in the face making the guy go flying backwards.

The crowds were on there feet  cheering his name. But he wasn't paying attention to them, he was looking directly at me.

He jumped of the ring and came towards me and Oscar.

"Why the fuck is she here?" Aiden shouted at Oscar.

"You should be thanking me man, she could've got screw by Kane's gang, but luckily I was there," he said looking proud.

Aiden grabbed my arm fiercely and dragged me out the warehouse. 

"Why were you walking around the streets alone, in the dark?" he shouted at me.

"Look, I wouldn't be here, if you've dropped me off, you know I don't know where to go, and my battery ran out so I couldn't call anyone, then I decided to try and walk home but then I got lost and these guys started coming up to me, touching me, but I managed to run away then I bumped into Oscar then-"

"Okay, I get it, it's my fault, now lets get you home before my parents kill me even more," he said dragging me to his car.


We got home about 10pm and the lights were still on. Oh god.

When we entered the house, Viola and David greeted us with a disappointed look on their faces.

"Where have you been?" David asked looking from me to Aiden.

"We-" Before Aiden could reply and say something stupid back to his father, I cut him off.

"Aiden was showing me around the area a bit more, but then I got lost and good thing Aiden found me," I lied and from the corner of my eyes, I saw Aiden looking at me with a weird expression. 

"Really now?" they asked and I nodded but Aiden didn't so I turned round to face him and glared at him. He looked at me for a couple of seconds before nodding as well. 

"Then how do you explain the bruises on your face," Viola asked going up to Aiden and running her fingers on his bruise but Aiden pulled his face away.

"Um, it's a funny story actually," I laughed awkwardly, shit, I don't know what to say, so I turned to Aiden, "Aiden, you can explain it," I said fake smiling at him then his parents turn to face him.

"What- er, well, you see, this dumbo here," he said pointing at me, "thought I was a pedo because I tapped her shoulder from behind, then she just turned around and smack me with her bag."

Well that's a believable lie.

His parents were going to say something else but got interrupted by Aiden.

"I'm going upstairs now," Aiden said before walking up the marble stairs.

I turned round and face Aiden's parents.

I smile awkwardly before sprinting up the stairs as well.


A/N- sorry for late update but heres chapter 8 :) Tell me what you guys think, please comment on your views and don't forget to vote, thank you :* xxxx

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