Chapter Sixteen

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Author's note; 18+ content

The nervous tension between the pair of men was potent as was the clear aura of desire, drawing the attention of those in the lobby as they passed reception to the private elevator meant for the upper floors. A few patrons had to return to their rooms for a cold shower, while a few men and more aggressive women dragged their partners away to enjoy some private time. There were also a couple of arguments as one woman accused her boyfriend of staring too much and a customer complained to a staff member that the scene of these two daring men was disgusting.

Yori and Ryota were too wrapped up within their own bubble to notice what remained in their wake. The elevator seemed to rise endlessly as Yori nervously stood in one corner and Ryota dared not touch him less he be unable to stop. Finally the elevator stopped at the highest floor, leading into a small hall that held only one door. Ryota unlocked the door with a key and a thumbprint and held it open for Yori.

The younger man stepped forward, his mind torn; wanting to enter, wanting to flee. Wanting to saying goodbye to his virginity, wanting to protect it longer. He turned to glance at Ryota who stared back, his eyes molten with sweet fire. Wanting to be with Ryota... there was no opposite, there was nothing else. Yori stood helpless before him, helpless in the face of his own need for this man.

He felt rather than sensed, that his strength of his scent was increasing, wrapping around the Alpha, taunting him with its aroma. Ryota's nostrils flared and his eyes seemed to darken even more. He was barely holding himself back as it was, but before his last strand of sanity snapped, he had to ask him;

"Are you sure, Yori?" His voice was deep and as rough as sandpaper, Yori shivered as he spoke.

"I-I've not done this before," he admitted. "I don't know what to do. But... please..." Ryota closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around Yori, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. His humble invitation broke the last chains of Ryota's will and he breathed in the waves of tantalising scent before capturing Yori's mouth with his own. He used his tongue to speak of his desire, his lips to speak for his heart. He felt Yori's arms creep around his back and knew that Yori was a willing part of their embrace.

Ryota tugged at the buttons of Yori's coat, before unfastening those of his suit jacket. Yori began to shy away for a moment, heat rising in his face and eyes dazed. He did not move to wipe the string of silver that dripped down the side of his chin, but used shaking fingers to undo the zip of Ryota's coat. Ryota shrugged off the outer garment and helped Yori with his. Once coats and jackets were thrown to the sofa, Ryota took Yori by the hand and guided him to the bedroom. Yori did not resist and once in front of the thick mattress housed upon its wooden frame, participated once more in the removal of clothes.

Piece by piece, tie, shirt and in Yori's case vest were removed, unbuttoned and peeled from their skin. Yori's eyes roamed over the defined chest before him, the golden skin tone and dark peaks upon the formed upper abdominals. He blushed and thought of his own pale and flat chest. Would Ryota be disappointed? His arms began to cover his naked chest, only to be stopped by two warm hands.

"Don't," Ryota said, his voice upon the edge of pleading. Yori lowered his hands to his sides.  Ryota then removed the spectacles covering Yori's eyes and gently loosened the fastening in Yori's hair letting it fall loose about his shoulders.  His fingers touched the ends of the long black hair before his hands stroked along Yori's arms, brushing lightly down his chest and over his blush points. Yori shivered, his small soft buds hardening with the spark of pleasure caused by Ryota's brief touch. Those wandering hands paused at his belt and slowly unbuckled it before unfastening his trousers and pushing them down.

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