Chapter One

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Author's Note; Because I learned about this genre from Manga, a lot of the names I chose to use happen to be Japanese, but the story is not necessarily located in Japan. It would be closer to suggest that this world is parallel to our own, though maybe a little ahead in time. It's technology is about the same as ours, as science has been focused on reproduction, so their technological advances have stagnated somewhat. However socially wise, race/colour/nationality is considered unimportant as secondary genders now generally determine social circles. Hope this clarifies things ahead.

His morning began much like any other he had experienced over the past few years with him stretching out his long slender limbs, pacing the width of his bedroom, before crawling into his bed and burying himself beneath the sheets to block out the bright rays of light leaking in from outside. Having pulled another all-nighter at his computer, he was looking forward to just a few hours sleep before the day truly intruded upon his solitude. Alas, it was not to be.

His landline phone chimed first. He ignored it. After almost a minute of continuous rings, it became silent. His personal mobile phone began it's tirade shortly after. As only three people knew the number of that phone, he reasoned that he probably should answer it, but even that could not rouse him from the sheets. As the landline began it's second round, he understood that the caller would not be ignored. Stretching out his hand, he reached for his mobile phone just as it began to ring again.


"Well finally!" It was his editor, Sierra Londis, a Beta woman, who had worked with him for the past eight years. He counted her as a friend. He did not have many, though for him this was only in part due to circumstance. "You have clearly forgotten about today's meeting again, Sensei."

"It's too early for meetings," he complained. "Give me a few hours, I'll come to the office later... probably."

"It's ten 'o'clock, Sensei," she advised him. "Must you always pull all-nighters the night before we arrange things?"

"Really? I could have sworn the sun just rose an hour or so ago," he muttered. "Is it important?"

"Yes," she answered. "I'm going to introduce you to your new editor this morning, remember?"

"Is that all?" He replied with a dismissive tone. "Well, I don't need a new editor, so introductions are unnecessary."

"I'm going on maternity leave soon, Sensei," she reminded him. "Someone needs to look after you while I am away."

"Nah, I'll go on maternity with you, I'm almost finished with this last manuscript anyway."

"Apart from the fact that I doubt our superiors would accept you taking a break at the moment while your popularity is reigning high, my husband would also probably object." She let out a long, exaggerated sigh. "Please, Sensei, for me? Come into the office?"

He let out a childish sort of cry of resignation, before ending the call. He really didn't want to go to his publishers offices today. Sighing, he flung the sheets from his weary body, before a slight smile of contentment slid across his features. It felt nice to be able to be act a little spoilt, a rarity in his life and Sierra probably indulged him too much. He likened her to a big sister or what a big sister should be like to their little brother, unlike his own whom he had only ever had vague glimpses of, but never actually met. And now she was about to have her first and likely only baby, a much longed for child, in a way he even envied the unborn brat.

Washing away both thoughts and lingering scents of the previous day and night with a shower that he lingered in likely too long, he pushed his weary body towards the inevitable meeting he'd rather avoid. He dressed in a slightly messy fashion, leaving his hair unbrushed and an unfashionable shirt unbuttoned over a dark Turtleneck t-shirt and jeans. He placed a pair of unfortunate looking glasses upon his nose and blinked as his strained vision cleared with use of the thick lenses, before fastening a plain leather collar about his neck and hiding it beneath his t-shirt. Grabbing his bag, he unlocked then re-locked the multi-layered locks of his front door before trudging down it's long drive and heading for the bus-stop.

The Omega is a NovelistWhere stories live. Discover now